Revision Difference
<function name="GenerateExample" parent="PANEL" type="hook">
<description>Called when the panel should generate example use case / example code to use for this panel. Used in the panel opened by **derma_controls** console command.</description>
<arg name="class" type="string">The classname of the panel to generate example for. This will be the class name of your panel.</arg>
<arg name="dpropertysheet" type="Panel">A <page>DPropertySheet</page> to add your example to. See examples below.</arg>
<arg name="width" type="number">Width of the property sheet?</arg>
<arg name="height" type="number">Width of the property sheet?</arg>
<description>Example usage of this hook from DButton's code.</description>
function PANEL:GenerateExample( ClassName, PropertySheet, Width, Height )
local ctrl = vgui.Create( ClassName )
ctrl:SetText( "Example Button" )
ctrl:SetWide( 200 )
PropertySheet:AddSheet( ClassName, ctrl, nil, true, true )
derma.DefineControl( "DButton", "A standard Button", PANEL, "DLabel" )
<output>A tab named "DButton" will appear in **derma_controls** menu.</output>