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<function name="InsertColorChange" parent="Panel" type="classfunc">⤶ <description>Inserts a color change in a <page>RichText</page> element, which affects the color of all text added with <page>Panel:AppendText</page> until another color change is applied.</description>⤶ <realm>Client</realm>⤶ <args>⤶ <arg name="r" type="number">The red value (0 - 255).</arg>⤶ <arg name="g" type="number">The green value (0 - 255).</arg>⤶ <arg name="b" type="number">The blue value (0 - 255).</arg>⤶ <arg name="a" type="number">The alpha value (0 - 255).</arg>⤶ </args>⤶ </function>⤶ ⤶ <example>⤶ <description>Creates a RichText panel with color coding on certain segments of text.</description>⤶ <code>⤶ -- Create a window frame⤶ TextFrame = vgui.Create("DFrame")⤶ TextFrame:SetSize(200, 200)⤶ TextFrame:Center()⤶ TextFrame:SetTitle("Colored text")⤶ TextFrame:MakePopup()⤶ ⤶ -- RichText panel⤶ local richtext = vgui.Create("RichText", TextFrame)⤶ richtext:Dock(FILL)⤶ richtext:SetVerticalScrollbarEnabled(false)⤶ ⤶ -- Text blocks⤶ richtext:InsertColorChange(255, 255, 192, 255)⤶ richtext:AppendText("This is an example of ")⤶ ⤶ richtext:InsertColorChange(0, 255, 0, 255)⤶ richtext:AppendText("color coding ")⤶ ⤶ richtext:InsertColorChange(255, 255, 192, 255)⤶ richtext:AppendText("different segments of text throughout a ")⤶ ⤶ richtext:InsertColorChange(255, 200, 0, 255)⤶ richtext:AppendText("Rich Text panel.\n\n")⤶ ⤶ richtext:InsertColorChange(64, 0, 255, 255)⤶ richtext:AppendText("Here is another line of text shown in the color ")⤶ ⤶ richtext:InsertColorChange(128, 0, 255, 255)⤶ richtext:AppendText("purple.")⤶ ⤶ -- When the panel is ready for layout, apply font and background color⤶ function richtext:PerformLayout()⤶ ⤶ self:SetFontInternal("Trebuchet18")⤶ self:SetBGColor(Color(0, 16, 32))⤶ ⤶ end⤶ </code>⤶ <output></output>⤶ ⤶ </example>⤶ ⤶ ⤶ <example>⤶ <description>Word by word coloring using <page>string.Explode</page> and random colors.</description>⤶ <code>⤶ -- Create a window frame⤶ TextFrame = vgui.Create("DFrame")⤶ TextFrame:SetSize(300, 200)⤶ TextFrame:Center()⤶ TextFrame:SetTitle("Randomly Colored Words")⤶ TextFrame:MakePopup()⤶ ⤶ -- RichText panel⤶ local richtext = vgui.Create("RichText", TextFrame)⤶ richtext:Dock(FILL)⤶ richtext:SetVerticalScrollbarEnabled(false)⤶ ⤶ local txt = "Here's a fun example involving word by word text coloring. "..⤶ "Each word is separated by a space, colored, and appended to the Rich Text panel individually. "..⤶ "The colors are randomly generated shades of red, orange, yellow, and pink."⤶ ⤶ local txt_tbl = string.Explode(" ", txt, false)⤶ ⤶ for _, word in pairs(txt_tbl) do⤶ ⤶ richtext:InsertColorChange(255, math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), 255)⤶ richtext:AppendText(word.." ")⤶ ⤶ end⤶ ⤶ function richtext:PerformLayout()⤶ ⤶ self:SetFontInternal("GModNotify")⤶ self:SetBGColor(Color(32, 16, 0))⤶ ⤶ end⤶ </code>⤶ <output></output>⤶ ⤶ </example>