Revision Difference
<function name="NewAnimation" parent="Panel" type="classfunc">
Creates a new animation for the panel object.
Methods that use this function:
* <page>Panel:MoveTo</page>
* <page>Panel:SizeTo</page>
* <page>Panel:SlideUp</page>
* <page>Panel:SlideDown</page>
* <page>Panel:ColorTo</page>
* <page>Panel:AlphaTo</page>
* <page>Panel:MoveBy</page>
* <page>Panel:LerpPositions</page>
<file line="100-L135">lua/includes/extensions/client/panel/animation.lua</file>
<file line="102-L136">lua/includes/extensions/client/panel/animation.lua</file>
<arg name="length" type="number">The length of the animation in seconds.</arg>
<arg name="delay" type="number" default="0">The delay before the animation starts.</arg>
<arg name="ease" type="number" default="-1">The power/index to use for easing.
* Positive values greater than 1 will ease in; the higher the number, the sharper the curve's gradient (less linear).
* A value of 1 removes all easing.
* Positive values between 0 and 1 ease out; values closer to 0 increase the curve's gradient (less linear).
* A value of 0 will break the animation and should be avoided.
* Any value less than zero will ease in/out; the value has no effect on the gradient.</arg>
<arg name="callback" type="function" default="nil">The function to be called when the animation ends. Arguments passed are:
* <page>table</page> animTable - The <page>Structures/AnimationData</page> that was used.
* <page>Panel</page> tgtPanel - The panel object that was animated.</arg>
<ret name="" type="table">Partially filled <page>Structures/AnimationData</page> with members:
* <page>number</page> EndTime - Equal to `length` and `delay` arguments added together, plus either the <page>Global.SysTime</page> if there is no other animation queued or the end time of the last animation in the queue.
* <page>number</page> StartTime - Equal to the `delay` argument, plus either the <page>Global.SysTime</page> if there is no other animation queued or the end time of the last animation in the queue.
* <page>number</page> Ease - Equal to the `ease` argument.
* <page>function</page> OnEnd - Equal to the `callback` argument.</ret>
<description>Example on how to use this function, makes a button go around in a circle in a DFrame.</description>
local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
frame:SetSize( 500, 500 )
local butt = frame:Add( "DButton" )
butt:SetPos( 5, 30 )
butt:SetSize( 100, 40 )
function butt:doAnim()
local anim = self:NewAnimation( 10, 0, 1, function( anim, pnl )
end )
anim.Think = function( anim, pnl, fraction )
local radius = 200
pnl:SetPos( 250 + math.sin( Lerp( fraction, -math.pi, math.pi ) ) * radius - pnl:GetWide() / 2,
250 + math.cos( Lerp( fraction, -math.pi, math.pi ) ) * radius - pnl:GetTall() / 2 )
pnl:SetText( "Frac: " .. fraction .. "\nTime: " .. ( SysTime() - anim.StartTime ) )