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<function name="ResetAllFades" parent="Panel" type="classfunc"> <description>Resets all text fades in a <page>RichText</page> element made with <page>Panel:InsertFade</page>.</description> <realm>Client and Menu</realm> <args> <arg name="hold" type="boolean">True to reset fades, false otherwise.</arg> <arg name="expiredOnly" type="boolean">Any value equating to `true` will reset fades only on text segments that are completely faded out.</arg> <arg name="newSustain" type="number">The new sustain value of each faded text segment. Set to -1 to keep the old sustain value.</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>Creates a RichText panel where two text segments slowly fade out and get reset to full alpha 5 seconds after being created.</description> <code> -- Window frame TextFrame = vgui.Create("DFrame") TextFrame:SetSize(200, 100) TextFrame:Center() TextFrame:SetTitle("ResetAllFades") TextFrame:MakePopup() -- Rich Text panel local richtext = vgui.Create("RichText", TextFrame) richtext:Dock(FILL) -- Append text and start fading a few frames after creation (won't work otherwise) timer.Simple(0.05, function() richtext:SetBGColor(Color(32, 32, 32)) richtext:SetFontInternal("GModNotify") richtext:AppendText("This is ") richtext:InsertFade(5, 2) richtext:AppendText("a test...") richtext:InsertFade(5, 1) end) -- 5 seconds after creation, reset all the fades timer.Simple(5, function() richtext:ResetAllFades(true, false, -1) end) </code> <output><image src="RichText_ResetAllFades_example1.gif"/></output> </example>