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<function name="KeyPressed" parent="Player" type="classfunc"> <description>Gets whether a key was just pressed this tick.</description> <realm>Shared</realm> <args> <arg name="key" type="number">Corresponds to an <page>Enums/IN</page>. You can use <page>bit.bor</page> here (see example 2)</arg> </args> <rets> <ret name="" type="boolean">Was pressed or not</ret> </rets> </function> <example> <description>Prints whenever the first player first starts pressing <key>+FORWARD</key> key (<key>W</key> on QWERTY keyboards).</description> <code> hook.Add( "Tick", "CheckPlayer1Forward", function() if Entity( 1 ):KeyPressed( IN_FORWARD ) then print( "Player1 just started moving forward!" ) end end ) </code> </example> <example> <description>Respawn the player when pressing <key>+ATTACK</key>, <key>+ATTACK2</key> or <key>+JUMP</key> (defaults to <key>LMB</key>, <key>RMB</key> and <key>SPACE</key> respectively)</description> <code> local respawnKeys = bit.bor( IN_ATTACK, IN_ATTACK2, IN_JUMP ) hook.Add( "PlayerDeathThink", "DoRespawn", function( ply ) if ply:KeyPressed( respawnKeys ) then ply:Spawn() end end ) </code> </example>