Revision Difference
<function name="SetArmor" parent="Player" type="classfunc">
<description>Sets the player armor to the argument.</description>⤶
<description>Sets the player armor value.⤶
See <page>GM:HandlePlayerArmorReduction</page> for a hook that allows manipulating what armor does.⤶
<arg name="Amount" type="number">The amount that the player armor is going to be set to.</arg>
<arg name="amount" type="number">The amount to set the armor value of the player to.</arg>
<description>Sets the player armor to 100 when they types "SetArmor" at the console.</description>
concommand.Add( "SetArmor", function( ply )
ply:SetArmor( 100 )
end )
<output>Sets the player armor to 100</output>
<description>Gives the player armor to first vararg when they types "AddArmor" at the console.</description>
concommand.Add( "AddArmor", function( ply, cmd, args )
local Armor = args[1] or 100
ply:SetArmor( ply:Armor() + Armor )
end )
<output>Adds the player armor to first vararg</output>