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<cat>Play.GettingStarted</cat> After starting Garry's Mod from your Steam library, you'll find yourself in the [ Main Menu](/gmod/Main_Menu_). After starting Garry's Mod from your Steam library, you'll find yourself in the <page text=" Main Menu">Main_Menu_</page>. # Starting Your Own Game If you want to run your own [addons](/gmod/Addons), models or gamemodes, click "Start New Game" If you want to run your own <page>Addons</page>, models or gamemodes, click "Start New Game" <image src="Tutorial_Start_New_Game.png"/> A menu will appear listing all currently installed maps. Select a map, and click "Start Game". <image src="Tutorial_Maps_StartGame.png"/> If you select 'Start Game' without pressing anything you will start on the map gm_flatgrass. # A Fresh Game After the game finished loading you will be standing on your own in an empty map, holding the physgun. <image src="Tutorial_Spawned.png" alt="View_after_starting_a_new_game."/> # Start Playing A good start would be opening the [Spawn Menu](/gmod/Opening_The_Spawnmenu). A good start would be opening the <page text="Spawn Menu">Opening_The_Spawnmenu</page>. To do so, just hold down <key>Q</key>. # Miscellaneous * If you wish to interact with objects without changing your view angle/perspective, hold down the <key>C</key> button. This is called the [ context menu](/gmod/The_Context_Menu_), here you can change your player model, the colour of your player model **(Player model colour varies)** and change the colour of your Physics Gun. * If you wish to interact with objects without changing your view angle/perspective, hold down the <key>C</key> button. This is called the <page text=" context menu">The_Context_Menu_</page>, here you can change your player model, the colour of your player model **(Player model colour varies)** and change the colour of your Physics Gun.