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<function name="PopulateContent" parent="SANDBOX" type="hook"> <ishook>yes</ishook> <description>Called by the spawnmenu when the content tab is generated <warning>Creating an error in this Hook will result in a completely broken Content Tab</warning></description> <realm>Client</realm> <file line="91">gamemodes/sandbox/gamemode/spawnmenu/creationmenu/content/content.lua</file> <predicted>No</predicted> <args> <arg name="pnlContent" type="panel">The SpawnmenuContentPanel</arg> <arg name="tree" type="panel">The ContentNavBar tree from the SpawnmenuContentPanel</arg> <arg name="node" type="panel">The old Spawnlists</arg> <arg name="pnlContent" type="Panel">The SpawnmenuContentPanel</arg> <arg name="tree" type="Panel">The ContentNavBar tree from the SpawnmenuContentPanel</arg> <arg name="node" type="Panel">The old Spawnlists</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>Generates an Example Category with a Models panel</description> <code> hook.Add( "PopulateContent", "Example", function( pnlContent, tree, node ) local ViewPanel = vgui.Create( "ContentContainer", pnlContent ) ViewPanel:SetVisible( false ) ViewPanel.IconList:SetReadOnly( true ) ExampleNode = node:AddNode( "Example", "icon16/folder_database.png" ) ExampleNode.pnlContent = pnlContent ExampleNode.ViewPanel = ViewPanel local models = ExampleNode:AddNode( "Models", "icon16/exclamation.png" ) models.DoClick = function() ViewPanel:Clear( true ) local cp = spawnmenu.GetContentType( "model" ) if cp then for k, v in ipairs( file.Find( "models/*.mdl", "GAME" ) ) do cp( ViewPanel, { model = "models/" .. v } ) end end ExampleNode.pnlContent:SwitchPanel( ViewPanel ) end end) </code> <output><image src=""/></output> </example>