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<cat>shader</cat> <shader> <description>This shader was especially designed to be used with with maps, in particular the cube maps(up, down, front, back, left, right), they allow to modify the ambiance of a map.</description> <description>This shader was especially designed to be used with maps, in particular the cube maps(up, down, front, back, left, right), they allow to modify the ambiance of a map.</description> <parameters> <item name="bottomcolor" type="Vector">The top bottom of the texture(used for gradient)</item> <item name="duskcolor" type="Vector">The dusk color</item> <item name="duskscale" type="number">The scale of the dusk</item> <item name="duskintensity" type="number">The intensity of the dusk</item> <item name="fadebias" type="number">The fade bias</item> <item name="hdrscale" type="number">The HDR scale</item> <item name="suncolor" type="Vector">The color of the sun</item> <item name="sunnormal" type="Vector">The normal of the sun</item> <item name="sunsize" type="number">The size of the sun</item> <item name="topcolor" type="Vector">The top color of the texture(used for gradient)</item> </parameters> </shader>