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<cat>struct</cat>⤶ <structure> <realm>Client</realm> <description>Table used by panel animation methods, primarily <page>Panel:AnimationThinkInternal</page>, and returned by <page>Panel:NewAnimation</page>.</description> <fields> <item name="StartTime" type="number">The system time value returned by <page>Global.SysTime</page> when the animation starts/will start.</item> <item name="EndTime" type="number">The system time value returned by <page>Global.SysTime</page> when the animation ends/will end.</item> <item name="Ease" type="number" default="-1">The ease in/out level of the animation.</item> <item name="OnEnd" type="function">The callback function that will be called upon completion of the animation. The arguments passed to it are: * <page>table</page> animData - This structure. * <page>Panel</page> tgtPanel - The panel the animation was run on.</item> <item name="Think" type="function">The `think` function called every frame that will animate the panel object. This varies based on the animation. You can create a custom function for this if you aren't using the stock panel methods. The arguments passed to it are: * <page>table</page> animData - This structure. * <page>Panel</page> tgtPanel - The panel the animation is being run on. * <page>number</page> fraction - The progress fraction of the animation, between 0 and 1. The change rate of this number will not be linear if you are easing.</item> <item name="Pos" type="Vector">The target position, or target translation of the panel object. Used by <page>Panel:MoveTo</page> and <page>Panel:MoveBy</page> respectively.</item> <item name="StartPos" type="Vector">The position of the panel object when the animation started. Used by <page>Panel:MoveTo</page> and <page>Panel:MoveBy</page>.</item> <item name="SizeX" type="boolean">Whether to resize the panel horizontally or not. Only used by <page>Panel:SizeTo</page>.</item> <item name="SizeY" type="boolean">Whether to resize the panel vertically or not. Only used by <page>Panel:SizeTo</page>.</item> <item name="Size" type="Vector" default="(0, 0, 0)">The target size of the panel object. Only used by <page>Panel:SizeTo</page>.</item> <item name="StartSize" type="Vector">The size of the panel object when the animation started. Only used by <page>Panel:SizeTo</page>.</item> <item name="Color" type="table">The target colour of the panel object. Only used by <page>Panel:ColorTo</page>.</item> <item name="StartColor" type="table">The colour of the panel object when the animation started. Only used by <page>Panel:ColorTo</page>.</item> <item name="Alpha" type="number">The target alpha (0-255) of the panel object. Only used by <page>Panel:AlphaTo</page>.</item> <item name="StartAlpha" type="number">The alpha (0-255) of the panel object when the animation started. Only used by <page>Panel:AlphaTo</page>.</item> <item name="Speed" type="number">The speed to use for transitions when using linear interpolation (Lerp) animations. Only used by <page>Panel:LerpPositions</page>.</item> <item name="UseGravity" type="boolean">Whether or not to use easing to make the panel 'jump' at its target, slowing as it approaches. Only used by <page>Panel:LerpPositions</page>.</item> </fields> </structure>