Revision Difference
Information about the ENT structure, which represents a Scripted Entity class definition.
To learn more about scripted entities, <page text="see this page">Scripted_Entities</page>.
See also <page>ENTITY Hooks</page> for a list of events scripted entities can have. See <page>Custom Entity Fields</page> for a list of events and fields all entities can have.
While some of the fields may be serverside or clientside only, it is recommended to provide them on both so addons could use their values.
<note>Values defined in ENT table can't be changed per instance. Initialize default values in <page>ENTITY:Initialize</page> or other hook.</note>
<item name="Base" type="string">The base entity to derive from. This **must** be a valid Lua entity</item>
<item name="Type" type="string">Type of the entity. This **must** be one of these:
* **anim**
* **brush**
* **point**
* **ai**
* **nextbot**
* **filter**
See <page>Scripted Entities</page> for a more detailed explanation of what each one is.</item>
<item name="ClassName" type="string">The class name of the entity (File or folder name of your entity).
**This is set automatically _after_ the entity file is loaded.**</item>
<item name="ClassNameOverride" type="string" added="2023.09.29">If set, overrides the classname of the SWEP.</item>
<item name="Folder" type="string">The folder from where the entity was loaded. This should always be "entity/ent_myentity", regardless whether your entity is stored as a file, or multiple files in a folder. **This is set automatically _before_ the entity file is loaded.**</item>
<item name="AutomaticFrameAdvance" type="boolean" default="false">Set this to true if your entity has animations. You should also apply changes to the <page>ENTITY:Think</page> function from the example on that page.</item>
<item name="Category" type="string" default="Other" realm="client">Spawnmenu category to put the entity into</item>
<item name="Spawnable" type="boolean" default="false">Whether this entity should be displayed and is spawnable in the spawn menu</item>
<item name="Editable" type="boolean" default="false">Whether the entity supports Editing. See <page>Editable Entities</page> for more info.</item>
<item name="AdminOnly" type="boolean" default="false">Whether or not only admins can spawn the entity from their spawn menu</item>
<item name="PrintName" type="string" default="" realm="client">Nice name of the entity to appear in the spawn menu</item>
<item name="Author" type="string" default="" realm="client">The author of the entity</item>
<item name="Contact" type="string" default="" realm="client">The contacts of the entity creator</item>
<item name="Purpose" type="string" default="" realm="client">The purpose of the entity creation</item>
<item name="Instructions" type="string" default="" realm="client"> How to use your entity</item>
<item name="RenderGroup" type="number" realm="client">The entity's render group, see <page>Enums/RENDERGROUP</page>. If unset, the engine will decide the render group based on the entity's model.</item>
<item name="WantsTranslucency" type="boolean" realm="client" default="false">If set and RenderGroup is not, will switch the render group to <page text="RENDERGROUP_BOTH">Enums/RENDERGROUP#RENDERGROUP_BOTH</page> when appropriate.</item>
<item name="DisableDuplicator" type="boolean" default="false" realm="server">Disable the ability for players to duplicate this entity.</item>
<item name="ScriptedEntityType" type="string" default="" realm="client">Sets the spawnmenu content icon type for the entity, used by spawnmenu in the Sandbox-derived gamemodes.
See <page>spawnmenu.AddContentType</page> for more information.</item>
<item name="DoNotDuplicate" type="boolean" default="false" realm="server">If set, the entity will not be duplicated via the built-in duplicator system.</item>⤶
<item name="IconOverride" type="string" default="entities/<ClassName>.png" realm="client">If set, overrides the icon path to be displayed in the Spawnmenu for this entity.
Like many functions, this expects a path relative to the `materials/` folder, do not include `materials/` in the provided string.
<item name="PhysgunDisabled" type="boolean" default="false">If set, the entity forbid physgun interaction.</item>⤶
<item name="PhysicsSolidMask" type="number" default="nil" added="2024.07.20">If set, a bitflag for the physics solidity of the entity. See <page>Enums/CONTENTS</page>.
Can be used to make the entity pass though certain otherwise solid meshes, such as grates, or special clip brushes.
<note>This only works for `nextbot`, `anim` and `ai` type SENTs.</note>
<item name="PhysicsSounds" type="boolean" default="false" added="2024.07.20">For `anim` type entities, if set, enables physics collision sounds.</item>