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<cat>struct</cat> <structure> <realm>Shared</realm> <description>Table used by <page>Global.HTTP</page> function.</description> <fields> <item name="failed" type="function">Function to be called on failure. Arguments are * <page>string</page> reason</item>⤶ <item name="success" type="function">Function to be called on success. Arguments are⤶ <item name="failed" type="function">Function to be called on failure. Arguments are * <page>string</page> reason⤶ </item>⤶ <item name="success" type="function">Function to be called on success. Arguments are⤶ * <page>number</page> code * <page>string</page> body * <page>table</page> headers</item>⤶ <item name="method" type="string">Request method, case insensitive. Possible values are:⤶ * <page>table</page> headers⤶ </item>⤶ <item name="method" type="string">Request method, case insensitive. Possible values are:⤶ * GET * POST * HEAD * PUT * DELETE * PATCH * OPTIONS</item>⤶ <item name="url" type="string">The target url</item>⤶ <item name="parameters" type="table">KeyValue table for parameters. This is only applicable to the following request methods:⤶ * OPTIONS⤶ </item>⤶ <item name="url" type="string">The target url</item>⤶ <item name="parameters" type="table">KeyValue table for parameters. This is only applicable to the following request methods:⤶ * GET * POST * HEAD</item>⤶ <item name="headers" type="table">KeyValue table for headers</item>⤶ <item name="body" type="string">Body string for POST data. If set, will override parameters</item>⤶ <item name="type" type="string" default="\u0022text/plain; charset\u0026#61;utf-8\u0022">Content type for body.</item>⤶ * HEAD⤶ </item>⤶ <item name="headers" type="table">KeyValue table for headers</item>⤶ <item name="body" type="string">Body string for POST data. If set, will override parameters</item>⤶ <item name="type" type="string" default="text/plain; charset=utf-8">Content type for body.</item>⤶ </fields> ⤶ </structure>⤶ </structure>⤶