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<title>Update Preview Changelog</title>⤶ ⤶ This page contains upcoming changes to the game in the next update. The update date is available on the Steam News section for Garry's Mod.⤶ ⤶ The update is already accessible on the `prerelease` <page>Dev Branch</page>.⤶ ⤶ # Game Changes⤶ ⤶ ## Additions⤶ * You can now search maps by the name of the Workshop Addon they come from in Start New Game screen⤶ * Moved potentially conflicting addons detection to Problems menu - potentially conflicting means two addons have the same Lua file with different file sizes⤶ ⤶ ## Fixes⤶ * Fixed Lua error with Super DOF when activating 5 second hide UI and reopening UI before the timer expires (Community Contribution)⤶ * Fixed toolgun ghost preview not clearing when switching away from the toolgun using the spawnmenu (Community Contribution)⤶ * Changes⤶ * “Unused Addons” problem will now tell you which files it recommends deleting⤶ * Attempt to prevent Entities and Weapons spawning out of map bounds when spawned through Spawn menu (Community Contribution)⤶ * Updated server browser recommendation icons (Community Contribution)⤶ ⤶ ## TTT Changes⤶ * TTT: Fixed a bug with weapon respawning and updated language files (Community Contribution)⤶ ⤶ # Technical Changes⤶ ⤶ ## Additions⤶ * Readded missing mapIO outputs to airboat vehicle⤶ * Implemented CS:GO soundscape features:⤶ * playlooping.position "random"⤶ * playlooping.radius⤶ * fadetime⤶ ⤶ ## Fixes⤶ * Fixed "Steam overlay replacement" window opening links externally⤶ * Added nullptr safeguards to CMaterialVar::SetTextureValue⤶ * Unspecified security fixes⤶ * Fixed crashes when setting null model on players⤶ * Fixed crash when trying to render world model as entity model⤶ * Fixed a typo in detail.vbsp⤶ * Fixed gmod_language resetting to empty string on dedicated servers⤶ * Fixed in-code documentation comment of table.CollapseKeyValue (Community Contribution)⤶ * Changes⤶ * +vgui_drawtree now requires sv_cheats just like vgui_drawtree 1/0 does⤶ * Force OS Specific binary module load errors to English⤶ * Sandbox spawning and entity variable editing bypasses IsAdmin checks in singleplayer, so mods cannot accidentally interfere with basic Sandbox functionality⤶ * Some changes towards fixing/narrowing down the CSoundPatch update crash⤶ ⤶ ## Deletions⤶ * Deleted Windows steam binaries (used by dedicated servers) as they are now shipped automatically by Steam⤶ ⤶ # Lua API Changes⤶ ⤶ ## Additions⤶ * Added NPC:GetKnownEnemyCount⤶ * Added NPC:GetKnownEnemies⤶ * Added NPC:IgnoreEnemyUntil⤶ * Added NPC:GetTimeEnemyLastReacquired⤶ * Added NPC:GetLastTimeTookDamageFromEnemy⤶ * Added NPC:MarkTookDamageFromEnemy⤶ * Added Entity.GetAnimCount⤶ * Added NPC.NavSetGoalPos⤶ * Changed NPC.NavSetGoalTarget - second argument defaults to 0,0,0, sets correct goal type for the path⤶ * Added CLuaLocomotion.GetDesiredSpeed⤶ * Added CLuaLocomotion.GetGroundNormal⤶ * Added math.SnapTo (Community Contribution)⤶ * Added “icons” and “select” fields for DProperty_Combo (Community Contribution)⤶ ⤶ ## Fixes⤶ * Fixed crashes with certain Vehicle functions when used on unsupported vehicles⤶ * Fixed PhysObj.SetInertia causing unexpected zero-G behaviour when used on frozen physics objects or with invalid values⤶ * Fixed cam.End crashing when used without cam.Start first (will throw Lua error)⤶ * Try to end cam.Start calls that are left unended each frame (will display warnings in console when this happens)⤶ * Fixed CNavLadder & CNavArea's Lua objects not becoming null after removal, causing crashes⤶ * Fixed Material() not being able to access gamemodes/ folder⤶ ⤶ ## Changes⤶ * ServerLog global now obeys sv_logecho convar⤶ * Save cookies on Lua state shutdown to prevent data loss when disconnecting⤶ * Render library underflow warnings are now non halting Lua errors⤶ * Clamped PhysObj.SetMass to safe values (0-50000] to prevent crazy physics⤶ * CreateConVar/AddConsoleCommand globals now ErrorNoHalt when command creation fails, instead of silently failing⤶ * Can no longer create concmmands/convars with blocked names⤶ * Made Player.GetPlayerInfo shared⤶ * Added snd_buildcache to blocked command list⤶ * Entity.DropToFloor now checks if the entity is inside world geometry - if it is, do not drop to floor. Should help with stuff ending up underground in certain places, such as NPCs on displacements.⤶ ⤶ ## Deletions⤶ * None so far⤶ ⤶