Garry's Mod Wiki

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<cat>Play</cat> <title>Update Preview Changelog</title> This page contains upcoming changes to the game in the next update. The update date is available on the Steam News section for Garry's Mod. The update is already accessible on the `prerelease` and `dev` [beta branches](Dev_Branch). # Game Changes ## Additions * Added "Select Page" option in Addons menu⤶ * Added Half-Life 1 .357 Handgun & Shotgun to NPC usable weapon list (Community Contribution)⤶ * Added links to Server and Modding guidelines to Legal tab in Options (Community Contribution)⤶ * Improved Eye Poser (Community Contribution)⤶ * Nothing so far.⤶ ## Fixes * Fixed a visual bug in Lua Errors section of Problems menu⤶ * Fixed Gravity Gun ignoring `spin_none` interaction for props⤶ * Fixed Gravity Gun preferred carry angles ignoring player's pitch angles⤶ * Fixed vehicle collision group not being saved by duplicator⤶ * Fixed addon size display when its over 2.1GB⤶ * Fixed tooltip position with tall text (Community Contribution)⤶ * Nothing so far.⤶ ## Changes * Group NPC weapon overrides by category⤶ * Improved ladder prediction⤶ * Made NPC vs NPC killicon behavior consistent with NPC vs Player deaths⤶ * Switched `Outdated` tags in server browser to use the network version, not the build version, better representing if a server can be joined or not due to an update⤶ * Updated the server browser to no longer be limited to 256 servers per gamemode⤶ * Display disconnect reason in a pop up when encountering a host error in singleplayer⤶ * Reload spawnmenu on language change (Community Contribution)⤶ * Made `givecurrentammo` always give secondary ammo⤶ * If HUD is disabled, don't display "Something is creating script errors" overlay (Community Contribution)⤶ * Improve word break for addon descriptions in the Addons menu (Community Contribution)⤶ * Updated language files⤶ * Removed the "Sorry! You can't spawn that NPC!" message when the server did not have requested NPC, to match behavior of other spawn functions⤶ * Implemented automatic cleanup & limit translations, when they are missing (Community Contribution)⤶ * Nothing so far.⤶ ## TTT Changes * Fixed zoom keybind handling (Community Contribution) * Updated localization⤶ * Nothing so far. # Technical Changes ## Additions * Added `ClearAllOutputs` input to all entities⤶ * Nothing so far.⤶ ## Fixes * Fixed workshop fonts spamming pointless console messages trying to load from the `.gma` directly which won't work⤶ * Fixed `effects/base.lua` being included twice⤶ * Fixed `ai_debug_enemies` (and probably other NPC debug stuff) spewing nonsense to console⤶ * Fixed crashes when trying get model sprite size with a null sprite/model (and when trying to get model bounds of null model)⤶ * Fixed a crash when trying to spawn `ai_node` too early⤶ * Fixed a crash when calling `Spawn()` on an entity that deletes itself in the `Spawn()` function⤶ * Fixed crashes when an entity has negative skin value⤶ * Fixed a crash with base NPC when holstering weapon and having no weapon⤶ * Fixed `NPC_CraneDriver` crashing when the crane's magnet is removing⤶ * Fixed `prop_dynamic` crashing the game when given invalid break usermessage names⤶ * Added `(Cheap)BreakModel` user messages that some maps use⤶ * Fixed Hammer Inputs/Outputs duplicating from base classes⤶ * Fixed legacy `CBaseEntity::FireBullets` not setting attacker⤶ * Fixed `FCVAR_REPLICATED` cvars resetting to default/keeping server value when joining a server and leaving⤶ * Unspecified security improvements⤶ * Fixed a crash on malformed maps to do with overlays on displacements⤶ * Prop Spawn effect restores original `Entity.RenderOverride`s⤶ * Fixed a bug with `SCHED_HOLD_RALLY_POINT`⤶ * Fixed potential crashes to do with sounds⤶ * Optimized some Lua code (Community Contribution)⤶ * Removed usage of useless varargs (Community Contribution)⤶ * Don't re-register net receiver for `editvariable` multiple times (Community Contribution)⤶ * Nothing so far. ## Changes * Added some crash checks to `CShaderSystem::TakeSnapshot`⤶ * Added a message to dedicated server console when not having GSLT about its impact on server ranking⤶ * Default weapon selection checks GMod's localization files⤶ * Added more info to `Overflow error writing string table baseline` host error for debugging⤶ * Defaulted `scr_centertime` to `5`⤶ * Replaced `self.Owner` with `self:GetOwner()` in base game (Community Contribution)⤶ * Improved <page>DAdjustableModelPanel</page> movement (Community Contribution)⤶ * Removal of hard-coded keys⤶ * The cursor is no longer displayed when moving⤶ * Fixed a bug where the pitch did not stay between -90 and 90 degrees, which resulted in an inverted yaw⤶ * Space and control keys are no longer relative to viewing angle⤶ * Toolgun improvements (Community Contribution)⤶ * `toolmode_allow_` convars are now properly replicated to clients⤶ * Fixed <page>TOOL:Holster</page> being called twice in the name of releasing ghost entities⤶ * Fixed a bug where the toolgun does not call <page>TOOL:Deploy</page> on the first tool that is selected⤶ ⤶ ⤶ ## Deletions⤶ * None so far⤶ * Nothing so far.⤶ ⤶ ## Deletions⤶ * Nothing so far.⤶ # Lua API Changes ## Additions * Added <page>surface.GetTextureNameByID</page>⤶ * Added <page>NPC:SetMaxLookDistance</page>⤶ * Added <page>NPC:GetMaxLookDistance</page>⤶ * Added <page>Entity:ClearAllOutputs</page>⤶ * Added <page>Entity:SetSurroundingBounds</page>⤶ * Added <page>Entity:SetSurroundingBoundsType</page>⤶ * Added <page>Entity:GetSurroundingBounds</page>⤶ * Added optional `surfaceprop` argument to:⤶ * <page>Entity:PhysicsInitMultiConvex</page>⤶ * <page>Entity:PhysicsInitConvex</page>⤶ * <page>Entity:PhysicsFromMesh</page>⤶ * <page>Entity:PhysicsInitBox</page>⤶ * All of them now also get correct physical volume set which helps physics behave correctly⤶ * Added <page>util.IsBinaryModuleInstalled</page> (Community Contribution)⤶ * Added <page>string.StartsWith</page> (alias of <page>string.StartWith</page>, for consistency with <page>string.EndsWith</page>) (Community Contribution)⤶ * Added an option to <page>player_manager.AddValidHands</page> to match hands skin to player model selected skin automatically (Community Contribution)⤶ * Added `"readonly"` option to <page>DProperties</page> properties, for editable entities editor (Community Contribution)⤶ * Added <page>Panel:SetTextSelectionColors</page> for <page>RichText</page> panels⤶ * Added <page>physenv.GetLastSimulationTime</page>⤶ * Added <page>Player:DisableWorldClicking</page> & <page>Player:IsWorldClickingDisabled</page> (Not currently networked)⤶ * Added second argument to <page>string.Comma</page> (Community Contribution)⤶ * Added <page>Tool:RebuildControlPanel</page>⤶ * Added <page>Tool:GetClientBool</page>⤶ * weapons and entities can now set their own classname via `ClassName` property (Community Contribution)⤶ * Added <page>string.Interpolate</page> (Community Contribution)⤶ * Added <page>DSlider</page> ConVar support⤶ * Added <page>DSlider:OnValueChanged</page>⤶ * Nothing so far. ## Fixes * Fixed <page>NPC:AddEntityRelationship</page> priority argument reading from the wrong argument. Also made it optional (defaults to 0) * Fixed non halting Lua error when <page>Global.Derma_Install_Convar_Functions</page> panels attempt to set empty console variable⤶ * Fixed static <page>CLuaParticle</page>s not updating their lighting⤶ * Fixed a crash when setting player's hull size to nothing⤶ * Potential fix for a crash with <page>steamworks.DownloadUGC</page>⤶ * Fixed a bug with <page>Panel:SetCaretPos</page>⤶ * Fixed <page>IRestore:ReadString</page> having a limit on string length, affecting weapons and others on map transition⤶ * Fixed potential Lua error in Derma drag'n'drop system (Community Contribution)⤶ * Added color support and fixed a bug with <page>table.Sanitise</page>/<page>table.DeSanitise</page> (Community Contribution)⤶ * Made <page>ents.FindByModel</page> support wildcards, and work better clientside⤶ * Fixed <page>VMatrix:GetTransposed</page> implementation⤶ * Fixed certain old addons failing to extract with <page>steamworks.DownloadUGC</page>⤶ * Fixed a crash in <page>DListView</page> with fractional column width⤶ * Fixed <page>markup</page> text alignment inconsistency (Community Contribution)⤶ * Made sure <page>Panel:GetChildren</page> table is always sequential⤶ * Fixed `TOOL.Information` being modified by code that uses it⤶ * Nothing so far. ## Changes * Made <page>player_manager.AddValidHands</page> skin/body arguments optional⤶ * Added `gmod_language` to blocked convars (can still read it)⤶ * Added `sv_password` to list of convars Lua cannot read⤶ * <page>WEAPON:HUDShouldDraw</page> is no longer required to return true to not break HUD (Community Contribution)⤶ * Minor adjustment to <page>DCheckBox:Toggle</page>'s internals (Community Contribution)⤶ * String extension optimizations (Community Contribution)⤶ * Cache ConVars created by tools (in `TOOL.ClientConVars` and `TOOL.ServerConVars` ) and use them in <page>Tool:GetClientInfo</page>/<page>Tool:GetClientNumber</page>/<page>Tool:GetServerInfo</page> in appropriate realms⤶ * Nothing so far. ## Deletions * None so far⤶ * Nothing so far.⤶