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<cat>Play</cat> <title>Update Preview Changelog</title> This page contains upcoming changes to the game in the next update. The update date is available on the Steam News section for Garry's Mod. The update is already accessible on the `dev` [beta branch](Dev_Branch), and possibly on the `prerelease` beta branch. # Game Changes ## Additions * Ported some Portal 1 entities - the rocket and normal turrets, personality core, fizzler trigger and security camera * The 2 Portal 1 turrets are available to be spawned through the spawn menu in Sandbox * New default crosshair and crosshair customization * Addon preset importing and exporting * Confirmation when deleting addon presets ## Fixes * Added portal scene files and made particles work on portal maps * Some minor security improvements * Several map category adjustments for new Fistful of Frags and Team Fortress 2 maps (Community Contribution) (`fofhr_`, `zi_`) * Disallowed making addon presets with empty names * Fixed addon presets with number only names being unable to be deleted * Fixed saved cursor position resetting to middle of the screen when clicking outside of the spawnmenu while it is open ## Changes * More kill icons for physics-related kills * Adjust `"Failed to find any models for this addon"` error in spawnmenu to include a reason why it might be happening, as well as fit the text within its container * Half-Life Source ceiling turrets can now be spawned on the ground as well (Community Contribution) * Reduced default max_fps to 150 * Renamed CS:GO mountable game to mention the legacy branch - this option might be removed in a future version * Updated gm_construct navigation mesh - added walkable drop down only areas to elevated areas, such as roofs of certain buildings⤶ ## TTT Changes * Nothing so far. # Technical Changes ## Additions * New `VertexLitGeneric` shader parameters - `$AllowDiffuseModulation` and `$NoTint` - both allow disabling color tint per material * Additions to .gma whitelist * Added data_static/ alternative to data/ folder with all the acceptable extensions for file.Write * Added materials/colorcorrection/*.raw * Add some of the existing [navmesh](navmesh) related entities to the base FGD * Restored content unloading, behind a convar - gmod_unload_test⤶ ## Fixes * RPG rocket stops its looping sound when removed prematurely * SourceTV fixes * Fixed crashes when using `tv_record` console command * <page>Player:IsBot</page> now returns true for `SourceTV` master client * Prevented `tv_enable` going beyond absolute max player count and crashing * `SourceTV` players are considered bots for <page>player</page> library * Fixed duplicate definitions for <page>Player:GetTool</page> (Community Contribution) * Improved support for non-English messages in <page>DTextEntry</page> history (Community Contribution) * World clicker aim uses correct FOV values, so it works when FOV is modified by <page>GM:CalcView</page> hooks, etc * Fixed displacements with `$alphatest 1` materials not having collisions * Fixed props with `VortWarp` shader crashing the game when entering water * Fixed crashes when accessing out of bounds flex controllers * Gave `sk_ally_regen_time` a minimum value of `0.01` to avoid division by `0`, and subsequent freezes due to infinite loops * Resolved incompatibility with `$BlendModulateTexture` and `$detail` - fixes gm_construct sand/grass transitions * Fixed blendable textures on a brush being inverted in Hammer i.e. not appearing like they do in-game * Fixed fonts from gamemode's `content/` folder inside a `.gma` not being extracted - so that they can actually be loaded * Clean up DOF_Ents table on DOF_Kill (Community Contribution)⤶ ## Changes * Added file path to `"ERROR: couldn't open."` warnings * Change usages of deprecated <page>gui.MousePos</page> to <page>input.GetCursorPos</page> (Community Contribution) * Safeguards against malformed `.gma` files * Empty stored entity outputs when pasting duplications to prevent abuse * Reduced `Player.__index` calls in player 3rd person animations for performance improvement (Community Contribution) * `func_physbox`/`func_pushable` is ignored by navmesh generation as walkable surfaces * More "reportable" keyvalues in default FGDs - shows useful info in the `Entity Report` window * Disabled default automatic navmesh unblocking to accommodate <page>CNavArea:MarkAsBlocked</page> * Hide `"No bound shader"` warning behind `developer 1` - and also add which materials the error is for * A bit faster optional argument handling for Lua API⤶ ## Deletions * Nothing so far. ## gmad.exe changes * Auto ignore `.git` folder and `.git*` files * Print out list of files that did not match the whitelist at the end of the console output, so they are more visible * Print out ignored files, and their total at the end of the output * Added `-quiet` to suppress spammy messages * Reduced buffer reallocations, which results in much faster `.gma` file creation, most noticeable with many small files (Community Contribution) # Lua API Changes ## Additions * Added <page>net.WriteUInt64</page>, <page>net.ReadUInt64</page>, <page>File:WriteUInt64</page> and <page>File:ReadUInt64</page> * Added <page>Angle:IsEqualTol</page> * Added <page>render.ComputePixelDiameterOfSphere</page> * Added [COND.*](Enums/COND) enums, used in NPC creation * Added <page>ENTITY:OnTaskFailed</page> for `ai` type entities * Added <page>NPC:GetIdealYaw</page>, <page>NPC:GetArrivalDirection</page>, <page>NPC:SetUnforgettable</page> * Added <page>NPC:GetCurGoalType</page>, <page>NPC:IsCurWaypointGoal</page>, <page>NPC:GetGoalTarget</page>, <page>NPC:GetGoalPos</page> * Added <page>CNavArea:MarkAsDamaging</page>, <page>CNavArea:IsDamaging</page> * Added 2 optional arguments to <page>util.JSONToTable</page> - bypass depth/breadth limits & disable string to number conversion for keys * Added 6th optional argument to <page>util.ScreenShake</page> - AirShake * Added <page>DComboBox:RemoveChoice</page> (Community Contribution) * Improvements to <page>MatSelect</page> * Added <page>MatSelect:Clear</page> (Community Contribution) * Added <page>MatSelect:SelectedItemPaintOver</page> (Community Contribution) * `MatSelect:AddMaterial*` methods now return the created <page>DImageButton</page> (Community Contribution) * Added local pnl = <page>MatSelect:FindMaterialByValue</page> (Community Contribution) * Added <page>MatSelect:SelectMaterial</page> (Community Contribution) * <page>Vector:Mul</page>() now supports VMatrix * Added <page>navmesh.CreateNavLadder</page> * Added <page>GM:OnCloseCaptionEmit</page> hook * Added <page>gui.AddCaption</page> * Added <page>GM:OnPlayerJump</page> hook * Added new optional argument to <page>render.ClearDepth</page> - stencil * Added a new argument to <page>GM:EntityRemoved</page> - for full update removes * Added <page>NPC:SetViewOffset</page> and <page>NPC:GetViewOffset</page> * Added <page>Panel:GetScrollStartIndexes</page> * Added missing enum for <page text="NAV_MESH_BLOCKED_PROPDOOR">Enums/NAV_MESH#NAV_MESH_BLOCKED_PROPDOOR</page> * Added <page>navmesh.GetBlockedAreas</page> * Added <page>CNavArea:MarkAsBlocked</page>, <page>CNavArea:MarkAsUnblocked</page> * Added <page>CNavArea:RemoveAttributes</page>, <page>CNavArea:AddAttributes</page> * Added SWEP/SENT.ClassNameOverride (Community Contribution) * NPCData.OnCeiling, OnFloor, OnDuplicated can now also be functions * Added <page>net.ReadPlayer</page> and <page>net.WritePlayer</page> (Community Contribution) * Added 2nd return value to <page>NPC:Disposition</page> - priority * Added <page>ents.Iterator</page> and <page>player.Iterator</page> (Community Contribution) * Added <page>string.CardinalToOrdinal</page> (Community Contribution) * Added a new argument for <page>killicon.GetSize</page> - bool dontEqualizeHeight, set to true to return the actual height of a killicon⤶ * Added <page>killicon.Render</page> - draws the killicon without weird vertical offsets, also has dontEqualizeHeight argument to draw unscaled killicon⤶ * Added <page>killicon.AddTexCoord</page> - subrect killicons on a single texture (Community Contribution)⤶ * Added `sequential` parameter to <page>net.ReadTable</page>/<page>net.WriteTable</page> (Community Contribution)⤶ * Added <page>CNavArea:GetIncomingConnectionDistances</page>⤶ * Added <page>CNavArea:GetAdjacentAreaDistances</page> - Both have optional arguments to limit output to a certain navDir, and return the precalculated distances to the returned areas.⤶ * <page>GM:OnEntityCreated</page> is now also called for clientside only entities⤶ * Support <page>Vector</page> / <page>Vector</page> - divide each component individually⤶ ## Fixes * Fixed <page>DNumberWang</page> passing both strings and numbers to OnValueChanged (Community Contribution) * Fixed <page>Player:SprintEnable</page> not working * <page>GM:EntityEmitSound</page> blocks CSceneEntity close captions * Made 2nd argument of <page>Global.EmitSound</page> actually set the sound position * <page>Global.EmitSound</page> precaches the sound when ran in multiplayer serverside * Sentences system calls <page>GM:EntityEmitSound</page> * Use brackets for keys in <page>Global.PrintTable</page> to avoid confusion with trailing/leading whitespace (Community Contribution)⤶ * Fixed <page>Panel:GetNumLines</page> not being up to date within <page>DTextEntry:OnTextChanged</page>.⤶ ## Changes * <page>Panel:GetNumLines</page> now works with TextEntry * Added `.dem` and `.vcd` to <page>file.Write</page> whitelist * Added `.dem`, `.gma` and `.vcd` to <page>file.Write</page> whitelist * Added overflow/underflow safeguards to <page>render.PushRenderTarget</page>/<page>render.PopRenderTarget</page> * <page>Weapon:GetTracerOrigin</page> is now called for 3rd person view as well * <page>IMesh:BuildFromTriangles</page> now allows modifying the exiting mesh without crashing (vertex count must be the same) * Also made certain `render.Push*` function overflowing not crash the game outright * Better optional argument handling for <page>sound.Play</page> * Bumped <page>gui.OpenURL</page> url limit to 2000 characters * Allowed <page>GM:OnPhysgunFreeze</page> to be ran on non vphysics entities - the 2nd argument (PhysObj) will be `NULL` for those cases * <page>Panel:DrawTextEntryText</page> doesn't silently fail with invalid input, will correctly error instead * <page>killicon.Add</page> can now use `.png`s⤶ ## Deletions * Nothing so far.