Revision Difference
<title>Update Preview Changelog</title>
This page contains upcoming changes to the game in the next update. The update date is available on the Steam News section for Garry's Mod.
The update is already accessible on the `dev` [beta branch](Dev_Branch), and possibly on the `prerelease` beta branch.
# Game Changes
## Additions
* Added Portal 2 Coop player spawn points
* Added all missing Portal 2 map icons
* Added visual placeholder entities for Portal 2 excursion funnel, Wheatley boss and npc_personality_core
* Added Hacked and Harmless Rollermine variants to spawnmenu
* Added ability to copy Sandbox tool class names via right click context menu
## Fixes
* Fixed some props in Portal 2 appearing rainbow-y
* Fixed `"missing sound common/null.wav"` when throwing grenades
* Fixed Mega Gravity Gun not being able to pick up flesh
* Fixed base Lua SWEPs not using correct localization strings
* Fixed unicode addon name display for Workshop Addons when they are downloaded while joining servers
* Fixed player death ragdoll forces always being applied to center - now applies forces to the body part that was shot
* Fixed NPC icons in spawnmenu search not having weapon selection on right click
* Fixed strider stomp attack creating invisible ragdoll with Keep Ragdolls
* Fixed Portal Rocket Turret not updating its facing angles with no target
* Fixed indentation of the gamemode list items (Community Contribution)
* Fixed camera tool entity losing its key binds on level transition, leaving the player potentially stuck in the camera view
* Fixed singleplayer toolgun ghost from saving in map saves as a prop
* Fixed more missing spawnmenu localizations (entity categories and others) (Community Contribution)
* Fixed the game not downloading maps from servers if compressed version exists locally, but wasn't extracted/was corrupted
* Prevent Keyboard options tab from being loaded from addons/mountable games
* Half-Life's Geiger counter only reacts to enabled `trigger_hurts` entities
* Fixed inconsistent margins on language list and Start Game button (Community Contribution)
## Changes
* Bumped default value of `sbox_maxconstraints` to `2000` to account for larger dupes/saves
* Make Sniper kills in "Alyx as sniper" sections in Half-Life 2 episodes appear as Alyx in the kill feed
* Fixed mass-adjusted punt forces being applied to Mega Gravity Gun
* Fixed Gravity Gun forces being Launch-forces at all times for `prop_physics` due to a previous fix for `spin_none` physics interaction
* Removed cheat flag from `cl_wpn_sway_scale`
* Localization support for crosshair customization (Community Contribution)
* Added a Player Model Selector button to spawnmenu
* Added an ever increasing counter to poster file names
* Allow closecaptions in multiplayer with the `closecaption` cvar set to `1` (`closecaption_mp` for dedicated servers)
* Update Portal turret relationships to certain NPCs
* Main menu news panel now has rounded corners to match the rest of the main menu (Community Contribution)
* Do not penalize full servers in the ranking (Community Contribution)
* Do not display effect rings with Gravity Gun equipped
## Deletions
* Do not apply spawnmenu names to map-spawned NPCs in kill feed - it was too error prone
## TTT Changes
* Updated TTT Russian localization (Community Contribution)
# Technical Changes
## Additions
* Added some generic logic entities from Portal 2 - `logic_register_activator`, `logic_coop_manager`, `point_viewcontrol_multiplayer`, `point_viewproxy`, generic enough to be useful outside of Portal 2
* Added new inputs/keyvalues to `prop_vehicle_choreo_generic` from Portal 2
* Inputs: `SetCanShoot`, `UseAttachmentEyes`, `SetMaxPitch`, `SetMinPitch`, `SetMaxYaw`, `SetMinYaw`
* Key-values: `playercanshoot`, `useattachmenteyes`
* Enable DMX versions 3, 4 and 5 loading for particles from newer games
* Ported most particle related features from CS:GO
* Added 2 new spawnflags to `env_player_surface_trigger` - Trigger on player(s) leaving ground & Set output activator to the player
* New inputs to `game_text` - `SetText`, `SetPosX`, `SetPosY`, `SetTextColor`, `SetTextColor2`
* New inputs for `game_player_equip` - `TriggerForAllPlayers` and `TriggerForActivatedPlayer`, as well as `"Strip All Weapons First"` spawnflag
* Added `skybox_swapper` entity
* Added particle-based `func_precipitation` types from CS:GO
* Added ability to override `func_precipitation` particles
* Implemented `func_precipitation_blocker`
* Implemented `origin` for `playlooping`/`playrandom` and `ambientOriginOverride` for "playSoundscape" in soundscapes
* Added new options to Run Map dialog in Hammer
* Restored `"JellyFish"` shader
## Fixes
* Fixed some minor memory leaks - These are mostly in developer features to do with KeyValues, not normal gameplay
* Initialize `m_rgflCoordinateFrame` on creation clientside - This fixes certain matrices being nulled out when they are not supposed to, such as when calculating `prop_vehicle_choreo_generic` look angles
* Allow loading PCF version 2 in `-tools`
* Fixed many, many potential crashes with the particle system
* Added missing materials for legacy Ash precipitation type
* Fixed 2 `"Parent cvar in server.dll not allowed"` warnings on client start up
* Do not print `cc_lang = ` with `developer 1`
* Fixed `"Not playing a local game"` being printed on game start up
* Fixed some warnings on map load when Portal 1 or Half-Life Source are not mounted
* Fixed crashes with `func_tank`
* Fixed crash when <page>ents.CreateClientProp</page> is given an empty string
* Fixed `logic_collision_pair` and some other obscure entities not calling <page>GM:EntityRemoved</page>
* Remove NULL entities from `Entity.Constraints` table when associated constraints are removed
* Fixes for `tanktrain_ai`
* Fixed sound playback and updated default sounds to existing files
* Added `"Chase Target"` key value
* Added missing `"Target Entity"` input to the FGD
* Fixed movement & movement speed
* `!player` target will update to the closest player before every move
* Change update rate while moving to 0.1s (from 0.5)
* Updated `C_RPG.MDL` to use correct muzzle flash event and prevent console warning
* Fixed a server crash exploit to do with malicious packets
* Fixed bone manipulations (scale, position) being transformed by how much the player moved on level transition
* Fixed which entity is the inflictor/weapon in <page>CTakeDamageInfo</page> when firing built-in C++ weapons, including when NPCs fire them, as well as `trigger_WateryDeath`.
* Prevent `.ani` files from loading if they would crash the game i.e. if the `.ani` file is smaller than the model expects it to be
* Minor code quality & performance improvements to Toolgun Help, RenderTarget related Lua code, `skypaint` matproxy, ToolGun and Post Processing control panels, ents.FindByClassAndParent (Community Contributions)
* Update jQuery and reduce reliance on it in main menu, as well as lazy load images (Community Contribution)
* Do not crash with `"bad inline model number"`, show a warning instead
* Fixed bone manipulated entitys render bounding box being set to invalid sizes with certain models
* Fixed `"Toggle"` input on some triggers improperly toggling the entity
* Fixed console warning about missing material when opening Options menu⤶
## Changes
* Do not estimate velocity clientside since we network it for every entity anyway
* Moved `"SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics"` warning to developer 1
* Made particle preview background slightly lighter (32,32,32)
* Use networked velocity for entities that set it serverside
* Physics entities such as props, vehicles, SENTS do not set their velocity, since its all handled by the physics engine, so it ends up not actually being networked
* Set the default particle orientation in Particle Editor on creation
* Added particle material name to `"unimplemented sprite renderer"` warning (.pcf particles)
* Force Sandbox tool classnames to lowercase at all times to fix a bug in multiplayer where the client and server classname could have mismatching capitalization
* Applied potential filesystem optimization suggested by the community
* Micro optimization for SWEP think
* Optimize `DListView_Line` - Remove `DListViewLabel`'s Think function since it does nothing in `DListView_Line` anyway
* Micro optimization for Entity.__index (Community Contribution)
* Micro optimizations for team library (Community Contribution)
* Fixed `"Bad SetLocalOrigin on gmod_hands"` warning (Community Contribution)
* Potential micro optimizations in localization loading/parsing
* Fixed a small memory leak in gamemode .txt file parsing
* Fixed a small memory leak with saving presets (preset library)
* Fixed small potential memory leak with creating Lua bone followers
* Store disabled workshop addon IDs as Uint64 instead of IDs turned to strings - should save some memory
* Clear `CShadowDepthView` to black instead of white - fixes reflective glass on certain maps having while glow with flashlight turned on
* Do not throttle loopback (local servers) connections when sending data from server to client
* Check allocated edict count before allocating more - this should prevent `"ED_Alloc: no free edicts"` crashes when spam spawning hundreds of entities per second
* Improved X-axis text inset handling with center alignment (for DButton when an icon is use)
* Made Hammer use gmod.exe when generating GameConfig.txt
* Change Hitbox 7 color from white to orange for debugging convar/HMLV
* Search for shaders in map file if none were found in the game folder
* Added `"shaders/*.vcs"` to BSP whitelist
* Update `screenspace_general` shader with some CS:GO features
* Removes `$X360APPCHOOSER` (Use `$VertexColor`)
* Added most CS:GO parameters except for C4* and C5* params
* Enable `sv_parallel_sendsnapshot` by default
* Display a warning when async file read operation tries to read more bytes than there are in the file
* Display HTTP error when FastDL fails to download a file, and its not a 404 error
* Made `lua_run` entity keyvalues case insensitive⤶
## Deletions
* Removed scratchpad from game builds
* Removed `bloodspray` console command
* Removed some perforce VGUI panels from builds
* Removed some useless strings from `garrysmod_english.txt`
* Hidden `mat_surfaceid` and `vgui_drawtree_panelptr`
* Deleted unused `resource/chromium/` folder
* Removed non existent `commedit.dll` from `sdkenginetools.txt`
* Removed `cl_threaded_client_leaf_system` convar, which was doing nothing since 2016
## Developer tool changes
* Added `light_directional` support for vrad.exe
* Some other VRAD changes - There are also changes to do with displacement lightmaps from CS:GO, supposedly should be better between brushes/displacements
* Implement `-StaticPropSampleScale` & `-StaticPropBounce`for VRAD from CS:GO
* Implement `-StaticPropSampleScale` & `-StaticPropBounce` for VRAD from CS:GO
* Added `-softenCosine` for VRAD
* Added missing HLFaceposer.exe icons
* Fixed a crash in HLFaceposer.exe when opening file lists when files are in VPKs
* Fixed HLFaceposer.exe crash due to missing phoneme extractor DLLs
* VRAD: Only show `"Warning! Invalid model version"` with verbose flag
* Hammer: Update "Lighting Origin" KV to mention `info_target`, not `info_lighting`, latter of which is removed on compile and is only meant for static props
* Added model scale preview to Hammer
* Added `"starlayers"` to `env_skypaint` in the FGD, and mention the skybox texture name requirement in the entity description
* Updated FGDs to include missing GMod specific additions - new rollermine spawnflag and `beam_spotlight`'s `SetColor` input
* Increase `MAX_MAP_BRUSHES` from `16384` to `65535`
* Hammer: Fixed collision model preview being offset in 3D when dragging
* Hammer: Fixed keybinds for 1 & 2 not updating the render distance setting correctly, resulting in it being reset to previous step when certain actions happen
* Do not set thread count to 1 if the local CPU has more than 32 of them (limited to 64 now, and is clamped instead of resetting)
* Hammer: Fixed empty buttons appearing in Entity Properties when it is opened before any entity is selected⤶
# Lua API Changes
## Additions
* Added <page>PhysObj:GetIndex</page>
* Added <page>NPC:SetFOV</page>, <page>NPC:GetFOV</page> (in degrees), <page>NPC:IsInViewCone</page> ( vector/entity )
* Added <page>Entity:AddSpawnFlags</page>, <page>Entity:RemoveSpawnFlags</page> and <page>Entity:SetSpawnFlags</page> (Community Contribution)
* Added `MAX_EDICT_BITS` global enum
* Added <page>NPC:GetLastPosition</page>
* Added <page>NPC:GetMoveDelay</page>
* Added <page>NPC:SetMoveDelay</page>
* Added <page>physenv.GetPhysicsPaused</page>
* Added <page>physenv.SetPhysicsPaused</page>
* Added <page>ENTITY:TranslateNavGoal</page>
* Added <page>sound.SetActorGender</page>
* Added `viewid` to <page>render.GetViewSetup</page>, can be used to detect water rendering passes
* Added <page>ENTITY:DoImpactEffect</page> for `ai` and `nextbot` SENTs
* Added <page>CTakeDamageInfo:GetWeapon</page> and <page>CTakeDamageInfo:SetWeapon</page>
* Added <page>Entity:Alive</page>
* Added <page>math.IsNearlyEqual</page>
* Added <page>Global.HWBToColor</page> (Community Contribution)
* Added <page>COLOR:ToHWB</page> (Community Contribution)
* Added <page>COLOR:GetHue</page>, <page>COLOR:SetHue</page>, <page>COLOR:AddHue</page> (Community Contribution)
* Added <page>COLOR:GetSaturation</page>, <page>COLOR:SetSaturation</page>, <page>COLOR:AddSaturation</page> (Community Contribution)
* Added <page>COLOR:GetBrightness</page>, <page>COLOR:SetBrightness</page>, <page>COLOR:AddBrightness</page> (Community Contribution)
* Added <page>COLOR:GetLightness</page>, <page>COLOR:SetLightness</page>, <page>COLOR:AddLightness</page> (Community Contribution)
* Added <page>COLOR:GetWhiteness</page>, <page>COLOR:SetWhiteness</page>, <page>COLOR:AddWhiteness</page> (Community Contribution)
* Added <page>COLOR:GetBlackness</page>, <page>COLOR:SetBlackness</page>, <page>COLOR:AddBlackness</page> (Community Contribution)
* Added 2nd argument to <page>Global.CompileFile</page> - showError⤶
* Added <page>util.RemoveDecalsAt</page>⤶
## Fixes
* Fixed not being able to `StopSound` generated sounds
* Fixed clientside only entities being considered map created by <page>Entity:CreatedByMap</page>
* Fixed <page>DAdjustableModelPanel</page> spazzing out when main menu is open by ignoring mouse input
* <page>gmsave.SaveMap</page> now respects `Entity.DoNotDuplicate` fully
* Improve JSON function compliance with the JSON spec⤶
* <page>util.TableToJSON</page> - <page>math.huge</page> keys now become `"Infinity"` instead of `"inf"`⤶
* <page>util.JSONToTable</page> - Handle `nil` in arrays, convert boolean looking keys ("true", "false") to booleans if this behavior is not disabled by the 3rd argument⤶
## Changes
* Display a non halting error when teamID in <page>Player:SetTeam</page> would not network correctly
* <page>GM:ClientSignOnStateChanged</page> is no longer called for HLTV clients
* <page>util.IsValidModel</page> uses meshcount to determine useless models, instead of hardcoded path substrings, which is error prone
* Do not `IsValid` the ident in `hook.Add` & `hook.Remove` - The check was added solely to print an error for invalid types, but NULL entity is still an entity
* Make <page>Entity:IsOnFire</page> return `false` instead of `nil` for non animated entities
* <page>Entity:FollowBone</page> doesn't check the `boneID` argument if given a NULL entity, or no arguments at all
* Cache gamemode table for <page>gamemode.Call</page> and <page>hook.Run</page> (Community Contribution)
* <page>engine.CloseServer</page> now returns true if quit command was issued, and fix it not working immediately on server start up
* <page>COLOR:SetUnpacked</page> type checks its inputs
* Made certain Lua errors from Lua-defined functions produce better stack traces
* <page>game.CleanUpMap</page> deletes `C_Hairball`
* Make <page>file.Write<page> and <page>file.Append</page> return success of <page>file.Open</page> used internally (Community Contribution)
* Added Lua implementations of HSVToColor & HSLToColor for higher performance and ensuring their return value has the Color metatable (Community Contribution)
* Allow comments and trailing commas in JSON parsing⤶
## Deletions
* Removed last 3 parameters of <page>engine.WriteSave</page> which are now handled in-engine automatically
* Added `timedemo` and related console variables/console commands to blocked list* Added `timedemo` and related console variables/console commands to blocked list⤶
* Blocked `"showconsole"` concommand, and `tv_record` clientside only