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<type name="VMatrix" category="classfunc" is="class"> <summary>List of all possible functions to manipulate matrices. This object can be created by <page>Global.Matrix</page>.</summary>⤶ <summary>List of all possible functions to manipulate matrices. This object can be created by <page>Global.Matrix</page>.⤶ Metamethod | Second Operand | Description⤶ ---------- | -------------- | -----------⤶ `__add` | <page>VMatrix</page> | Returns new <page>VMatrix</page> with the result of addition.⤶ `__eq` | <page>any</page> | Compares 2 operands, if they both are <page>VMatrix</page>, compares each individual component.⤶ `__mul` | <page>VMatrix</page> or <page>Vector</page> | Returns new <page>VMatrix</page> with the result of multiplication.⤶ `__sub` | <page>VMatrix</page> | Returns new <page>VMatrix</page> with the result of subtraction.⤶ `__tostring` | | Returns a <page>string</page> in format `[%f,\t%f,\t%f,\t%f]\n[%f,\t%f,\t%f,\t%f]\n[%f,\t%f,\t%f,\t%f]\n[%f,\t%f,\t%f,\t%f]`.⤶ </summary>⤶ </type>