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<function name="DrawHUD" parent="WEAPON" type="hook"> <ishook>yes</ishook>⤶ <description> This hook allows you to draw on screen while this weapon is in use. If you want to draw a custom crosshair, consider using <page>WEAPON:DoDrawCrosshair</page> instead. </description> <realm>Client</realm> <predicted>No</predicted>⤶ </function> <example> <description>Weapon:DrawHud() as defined in weapon_cs_base, with more notes</description> <code> function SWEP:DrawHUD() -- No crosshair when ironsights is on if ( self.Weapon:GetNWBool( "Ironsights" ) ) then return end local x, y -- local, always -- If we're drawing the local player, draw the crosshair where they're aiming -- instead of in the center of the screen. if ( self:GetOwner() == LocalPlayer() && self:GetOwner():ShouldDrawLocalPlayer() ) then local tr = util.GetPlayerTrace( self:GetOwner() ) tr.mask = ( CONTENTS_SOLID+CONTENTS_MOVEABLE+CONTENTS_MONSTER+CONTENTS_WINDOW+CONTENTS_DEBRIS+CONTENTS_GRATE+CONTENTS_AUX ) -- List the enums that should mask the crosshair on camrea/thridperson local trace = util.TraceLine( tr ) local coords = trace.HitPos:ToScreen() x, y = coords.x, coords.y else x, y = ScrW() / 2.0, ScrH() / 2.0 -- Center of screen end local scale = 10 * self.Primary.Cone local LastShootTime = self.Weapon:GetNWFloat( "LastShootTime", 0 ) -- Scale the size of the crosshair according to how long ago we fired our weapon scale = scale * (2 - math.Clamp( (CurTime() - LastShootTime) * 5, 0.0, 1.0 )) -- R G B Alpha surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 255, 0, 255 ) -- Sets the color of the lines we're drawing -- Draw a crosshair local gap = 40 * scale local length = gap + 20 * scale -- x1, y1, x2, y2 surface.DrawLine( x - length, y, x - gap, y ) -- Left surface.DrawLine( x + length, y, x + gap, y ) -- Right surface.DrawLine( x, y - length, x, y - gap ) -- Top surface.DrawLine( x, y + length, x, y + gap ) -- Bottom end </code> <output>Draws 4 lines for crosshairs</output> </example>