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<function name="GetSlot" parent="Weapon" type="classfunc"> <description>Returns the slot of the weapon (slot numbers start from 0)</description>⤶ <description>Returns the slot of the weapon.⤶ <note>The slot numbers start from 0.</note></description>⤶ <realm>Shared</realm> <rets> <ret name="" type="number">The slot of the weapon</ret>⤶ <ret name="" type="number">The slot of the weapon.</ret>⤶ </rets> </function> <example> <description>How you could use this function to check if a weapon slot was empty or not</description>⤶ <description>How you could use this function to check if a weapon slot was empty or not.</description>⤶ <code> local function IsSlotEmpty( ply, slot ) slot = slot - 1 -- take away 1 from the slot number you want since it starts from 0 local weptbl = ply:GetWeapons() -- get all the weapons the player has⤶ ⤶ for k,v in pairs( weptbl ) do -- loop through them⤶ function IsSlotEmpty( ply, slot ) slot = slot - 1 -- take away 1 from the slot number you want since it starts from 0 for _, v in ipairs( ply:GetWeapons() ) do -- get all the weapons the player has and loop through them⤶ if v:GetSlot() == slot then return false end -- check if the slot is the slot you wanted to check, if it is, return false end return true -- otherwise return true ⤶ end⤶ end⤶ </code> ⤶ </example></example>