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<cat>Dev.Workshop</cat>⤶ This article will teach you how to update and edit your addon in the [Workshop](⤶ Updating addon files/icon can be done using GMPublisher.exe. Updating the rest, such as title and description is done through Steam Workshop website.⤶ ## Updating with GMPublish.exe ⤶ ⤶ Use this command line to update your .gma:⤶ ⤶ ```⤶ gmpublish.exe update -addon "path/to/gma/addon.gma" -id "1337" -changes "Fixed something"⤶ ```⤶ ⤶ ⤶ Replace "1337" with the workshop ID of your addon.⤶ `&lt;nowiki&gt;;/nowiki&gt;**[id here]**`⤶ ⤶ -changes parameter is optional. You can change this text later on the workshop page of your addon, in the "Change Notes" tab.⤶ ⤶ Use this command line to update your icon:⤶ ⤶ ```⤶ gmpublish.exe update -icon "path/to/image.jpg" -id "1337"⤶ ```⤶ ⤶ ⤶ Replace "1337" with the workshop ID of your addon.⤶ `&lt;nowiki&gt;;/nowiki&gt;**[id here]**`⤶ ⤶ Icon must be 512x512 JPG image (chroma 4:2:0).⤶ ⤶ To avoid updating problems, the change note should only use US-ASCII characters (latin characters with no accents). If the change note has invalid characters, the upload will not add a change note in the item's page.⤶ ⤶ ## Updating via Steam Workshop ⤶ Besides updating files and icon of your addon, you can also update title and description of your addon. However you don't need workshopper for this. You will have to go to the [Steam Workshop](, log in into your steam account, and find your addon. In order to do so, click 'Your Workshop Files' on the right of the page and select addon you wish to edit.⤶ ### Editing Title and Description ⤶ Once you have opened page with your addon, you need to find and click 'Edit title & description' button on the right. On the opened page edit title and description of your addon and click 'Save' button in the bottom right corner.⤶ ### Adding/Editing Images and Videos ⤶ Once you have opened page with your addon, you need to find and click 'Add/edit images & videos' button on the right. On the opened page you have three choices of actions:⤶ * Upload new image - Set path to your image and press 'Upload'⤶ * Attach new youtube video - Type url (Copy and Paste) to your video and press attach.⤶ * Manage videos and images - Here you can reorganize and delete your images and videos. The changes are saved automatically.⤶ ### Deleting addon ⤶ Once you have opened page with your addon, you need to find and click 'Delete' button on the right. If you are sure you want to delete your addon, then click it.⤶ ⤶ ⤶ Please note, that `you cannot undo deletion of your addon`.⤶ ⤶