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<function name="getinfo" parent="debug" type="libraryfunc"> <description> Returns debug information about a function.</description> <realm>Shared and Menu</realm> <args> <arg name="funcOrStackLevel" type="function">Takes either a function or a number representing the stack level as an argument. Stack level 0 always corresponds to the debug.getinfo call, 1 would be the function calling debug.getinfo in most cases, and so on. Returns useful information about that function in a table.</arg> <arg name="fields" type="string" default="flnSu>">A string whose characters specify the information to be retrieved. * `f` - Populates the func field. * `l` - Populates the currentline field. * `L` - Populates the activelines field. * `n` - Populates the name and namewhat fields - only works if stack level is passed rather than function pointer. * `S` - Populates the location fields (lastlinedefined, linedefined, short_src, source and what). * `u` - Populates the argument and upvalue fields (isvararg, nparams, nups). * `>` - Causes this function to use the last argument to get the data from</arg> <arg name="function" type="function">Function to use. (Only used by the `>` field)</arg> <arg name="function" type="function|nil">Function to use. (Only used by the `>` field)</arg> </args> <rets> <ret name="" type="table">A table as a <page>Structures/DebugInfo</page> containing information about the function you passed. Can return nil if the stack level didn't point to a valid stack frame.</ret> </rets> </function> <example> <description>Let's find out information about net.Receive, such as which file it's defined in, the line it starts and the line it ends, and if it's defined in Lua, or C plus additional information.</description> <code>PrintTable( debug.getinfo( net.Receive ) )</code> <output> ``` currentline = -1 func = function: 0x2430a158 isvararg = false lastlinedefined = 13 linedefined = 9 namewhat = nparams = 2 nups = 0 short_src = lua/includes/extensions/net.lua source = @lua/includes/extensions/net.lua what = Lua ``` </output> </example>