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<function name="Register" parent="drive" type="libraryfunc"> <description>Registers a new entity drive mode/method.</description> <realm>Shared</realm> <file line="14-L37">lua/includes/modules/drive.lua</file> <args> <arg name="name" type="string">The name of the drive mode/method.</arg> <arg name="data" type="table">The data required to create the drive mode/method. This includes the functions used by the drive. See <page>DRIVE_METHOD</page>.</arg> <arg name="data" type="table">The data required to create the drive mode/method. This includes the functions used by the drive. See <page>DRIVE_Hooks</page>.</arg> <arg name="base" type="string" default="nil">The name of a drive mode/method to inherit code from.</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>Adds a noclip drive type.</description> <code> drive.Register( "drive_noclip", { -- -- Called before each move. You should use your entity and cmd to -- fill mv with information you need for your move. -- StartMove = function( self, mv, cmd ) -- -- Update move position and velocity from our entity -- mv:SetOrigin( self.Entity:GetNetworkOrigin() ) mv:SetVelocity( self.Entity:GetAbsVelocity() ) end, -- -- Runs the actual move. On the client when there's -- prediction errors this can be run multiple times. -- You should try to only change mv. -- Move = function( self, mv ) -- -- Set up a speed, go faster if shift is held down -- local speed = 0.0005 * FrameTime() if ( mv:KeyDown( IN_SPEED ) ) then speed = 0.005 * FrameTime() end -- -- Get information from the movedata -- local ang = mv:GetMoveAngles() local pos = mv:GetOrigin() local vel = mv:GetVelocity() -- -- Add velocities. This can seem complicated. On the first line -- we're basically saying get the forward vector, then multiply it -- by our forward speed (which will be > 0 if we're holding W, < 0 if we're -- holding S and 0 if we're holding neither) - and add that to velocity. -- We do that for right and up too, which gives us our free movement. -- vel = vel + ang:Forward() * mv:GetForwardSpeed() * speed vel = vel + ang:Right() * mv:GetSideSpeed() * speed vel = vel + ang:Up() * mv:GetUpSpeed() * speed -- -- We don't want our velocity to get out of hand so we apply -- a little bit of air resistance. If no keys are down we apply -- more resistance so we slow down more. -- if ( math.abs(mv:GetForwardSpeed()) + math.abs(mv:GetSideSpeed()) + math.abs(mv:GetUpSpeed()) < 0.1 ) then vel = vel * 0.90 else vel = vel * 0.99 end -- -- Add the velocity to the position (this is the movement) -- pos = pos + vel -- -- We don't set the newly calculated values on the entity itself -- we instead store them in the movedata. These get applied in FinishMove. -- mv:SetVelocity( vel ) mv:SetOrigin( pos ) end, -- -- The move is finished. Use mv to set the new positions -- on your entities/players. -- FinishMove = function( self, mv ) -- -- Update our entity! -- self.Entity:SetNetworkOrigin( mv:GetOrigin() ) self.Entity:SetAbsVelocity( mv:GetVelocity() ) self.Entity:SetAngles( mv:GetMoveAngles() ) -- -- If we have a physics object update that too. But only on the server. -- if ( SERVER && IsValid( self.Entity:GetPhysicsObject() ) ) then self.Entity:GetPhysicsObject():EnableMotion( true ) self.Entity:GetPhysicsObject():SetPos( mv:GetOrigin() ); self.Entity:GetPhysicsObject():Wake() self.Entity:GetPhysicsObject():EnableMotion( false ) end end, -- -- Calculates the view when driving the entity -- CalcView = function( self, view ) -- -- Use the utility method on drive_base.lua to give us a 3rd person view -- local idealdist = math.max( 10, self.Entity:BoundingRadius() ) * 4 self:CalcView_ThirdPerson( view, idealdist, 2, { self.Entity } ) end, }, "drive_base" ); </code> </example>