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<function name="Copy" parent="duplicator" type="libraryfunc"> <description>Copies the entity, and all of its constraints and entities, then returns them in a table.</description> <realm>Server</realm> <args> <arg name="ent" type="Entity">The entity to duplicate. The function will automatically copy all constrained entities.</arg> <arg name="tableToAdd" type="table" default="{}">A preexisting table to add entities and constraints in from.&#xA;Uses the same table format as the table returned from this function.</arg> </args> <rets>⤶ <ret name="" type="table">A table containing duplication info which includes the following members:⤶ * {{FuncArg|table|Entities</ret>⤶ </rets>⤶ </function> ⤶ * {{FuncArg|table|Constraints}} {{Ret⤶ |type=table⤶ |desc=A table containing duplication info which includes the following members:⤶ * {{FuncArg|table|Entities}}⤶ * {{FuncArg|table|Constraints}}⤶ * {{FuncArg|Vector|Mins}} * {{FuncArg|Vector|Maxs}} The values of Mins & Maxs from the table are returned from <page>duplicator.WorkoutSize</page> }}