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<function name="RegisterBoneModifier" parent="duplicator" type="libraryfunc"> <description> Registers a function to be called on each of an entity's bones when <page>duplicator.ApplyBoneModifiers</page> is called. <note>This function is available to call on the client, but registered functions aren't used anywhere!</note> </description> <realm>Shared</realm> <args> <arg name="key" type="any">The type of the key doesn&#x27;t appear to matter, but it is preferable to use a string.</arg> <arg name="boneModifier" type="function">Function called on each bone that an ent has. Called during &lt;page&gt;duplicator.ApplyBoneModifiers&lt;/page&gt;.&#xA;Function parameters are:&#xA;* {{FuncArg|Player|ply</arg>⤶ </args> </function> {{Arg⤶ |type=function⤶ |name=boneModifier⤶ |desc=Function called on each bone that an ent has. Called during <page>duplicator.ApplyBoneModifiers</page>.⤶ Function parameters are:⤶ * {{FuncArg|Player|ply}}⤶ * {{FuncArg|Entity|ent}}⤶ ⤶ * {{FuncArg|Entity|ent}} * {{FuncArg|number|boneID}} * {{FuncArg|PhysObj|bone}} * {{FuncArg|table|data}} The data table that is passed to boneModifier is set with <page>duplicator.StoreBoneModifier</page> }}