Garry's Mod Wiki

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<function name="ActiveGamemode" parent="engine" type="libraryfunc"> <description>⤶ Returns the name of the currently running gamemode.⤶ ⤶ <bug issue="1988">This will return the incorrect gamemode name on the client if used too early.</bug>⤶ </description>⤶ <description>Returns the name of the currently running gamemode.</description>⤶ <realm>Shared and Menu</realm> <rets> <ret name="" type="string">The active gamemode's name. This is the name of the gamemode's folder.</ret> </rets> </function> <example> <description>Prints out the name of the active gamemode.</description> <code>print( engine.ActiveGamemode() )</code> <outputfixedwidth>Fixed width</outputfixedwidth> <output>sandbox</output> </example>