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<function name="Add" parent="halo" type="libraryfunc"> <description> Applies a <page>halo</page> glow effect to one or multiple entities. <warning>Using this function outside of the <page>GM:PreDrawHalos</page> hook can cause instability or crashes.</warning> <note>The ignoreZ parameter will cause the halos to draw over the player's viewmodel. You can work around this using <page>render.DepthRange</page> in the <page>GM:PreDrawViewModel</page>, <page>GM:PostDrawViewModel</page>, <page>GM:PreDrawPlayerHands</page> and <page>GM:PostDrawPlayerHands</page> hooks.</note> </description> <realm>Client</realm> <file line="13-L33">lua/includes/modules/halo.lua</file> <args> <arg name="entities" type="table">A table of entities to add the halo effect to.</arg> <arg name="color" type="table">The desired color of the halo. See <page>Color</page>.</arg> <arg name="blurX" type="number" default="2">The strength of the halo's blur on the x axis.</arg> <arg name="blurY" type="number" default="2">The strength of the halo's blur on the y axis.</arg> <arg name="passes" type="number" default="1">The number of times the halo should be drawn per frame. **Increasing this may hinder player FPS**.</arg> <arg name="additive" type="boolean" default="true">Sets the render mode of the halo to additive.</arg> <arg name="ignoreZ" type="boolean" default="false">Renders the halo through anything when set to `true`.</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>Adds a halo around all props in the map using an O(n) operation and iterating through unseen objects which can be extremely expensive to process.</description> <code> local color_red = Color( 255, 0, 0 ) hook.Add( "PreDrawHalos", "AddPropHalos", function() halo.Add( ents.FindByClass( "prop_physics*" ), color_red, 5, 5, 2 ) end ) </code> <output> <image src="halo_example.png" alt="_halo_example.png"/>All the props on the map will be rendered with a red halo, a blur amount of 5, and two passes. </output> </example> <example> <description>Adds a green halo around all admins.</description> <code> local color_green = Color( 0, 255, 0 ) hook.Add( "PreDrawHalos", "AddStaffHalos", function() local staff = {} local count = 0 for _, ply in ipairs( player.GetAll() ) do if ( ply:IsAdmin() ) then count = count + 1 staff[i] = ply staff[ count ] = ply end end halo.Add( staff, color_green, 0, 0, 2, true, true ) end ) </code> </example>