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<function name="Run" parent="hook" type="libraryfunc"> <description> Calls hooks associated with the given event. Calls all hooks until one returns something other than nil and then returns that data. If no hook returns any data, it will try to call the GAMEMODE:&amp;lt;eventName&amp;gt; alternative, if one exists. If no hook returns any data, it will try to call the GAMEMODE:&lt;eventName&gt; alternative, if one exists. This function internally calls <page>hook.Call</page>. See also: <page>gamemode.Call</page> - same as this, but does not call hooks if the gamemode hasn't defined the function. </description> <realm>Shared and Menu</realm> <file line="52-L59">lua/includes/modules/hook.lua</file> <args> <arg name="eventName" type="string">The event to call hooks for</arg> <arg name="args" type="vararg">The arguments to be passed to the hooks</arg> </args> <rets> <ret name="" type="any">Returned data from called hooks</ret> </rets> </function>