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<function name="Fetch" parent="http" type="libraryfunc"> <description>Launches a GET request.</description> <realm>Shared and Menu</realm> <file line="18-L44">lua/includes/modules/http.lua</file> <args> <arg name="url" type="string">The URL of the website to fetch.</arg> <arg name="onSuccess" type="function">Function to be called on success. Arguments are&#xA;* {{FuncArg|string|body</arg>⤶ <arg name="onFailure" type="function" default="nil">Function to be called on failure. Arguments are&#xA;* &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; error - The error message</arg> <arg name="headers" type="table" default="{}">KeyValue table for headers</arg> </args> </function> ⤶ * <page>string</page> size - equal to <page>string.len(body)</page>⤶ * <funcarg|table|headers}}⤶ ⤶ <arg⤶ |type=function⤶ |name=onsuccess⤶ |desc=function to be called on success. arguments are⤶ * {{funcarg|string|body}}⤶ * <page>string</page> size - equal to <page>string.len(body)</page>⤶ * {{funcarg|table|headers}}⤶ * <page>number</page> code - the http success code> <default>nil</default> ⤶ </funcarg|table|headers}}⤶ ⤶ </arg⤶ |type=function⤶ |name=onsuccess⤶ |desc=function to be called on success. arguments are⤶ * {{funcarg|string|body}}⤶ * <page>string</page> size - equal to <page>string.len(body)</page>⤶ * {{funcarg|table|headers}}⤶ * <page>number</page> code - the http success code> <example> <description>Shows the typical usage to get the HTML of a webpage.</description> <code> local TheReturnedHTML = "" -- Blankness http.Fetch( "http:&amp;#47;&amp;#47;", function( body, len, headers, code ) -- The first argument is the HTML we asked for. TheReturnedHTML = body end, function( error ) -- We failed. =( end ) </code> <output>If it successfully fetched the page, the variable 'TheReturnedHTML' should contain the returned HTML in plain text.</output> </example>