Revision Difference
<function name="Post" parent="http" type="libraryfunc">⤶
Sends an asynchronous POST request to a HTTP server.⤶
HTTP requests returning a status code &gt;= 400 are still considered a success and will call the onSuccess callback.⤶
The onFailure callback is usually only called on DNS or TCP errors (e.g. the website is unavailable or the domain does not exist)⤶
<realm>Shared and Menu</realm>⤶
<file line="46-L73">lua/includes/modules/http.lua</file>⤶
<arg name="url" type="string">The url to of the website to fetch.</arg>⤶
<arg name="parameters" type="table">The post parameters to be send to the server. `'Keys and values `must'' be strings.</arg>⤶
<arg name="onSuccess" type="function" default="nil">The function called on success: function( string responseText, number contentLength, table responseHeaders, number statusCode )</arg>⤶
<arg name="onFailure" type="function" default="nil">The function called on failure: function( string errorMessage )</arg>⤶
<arg name="headers" type="table" default="{}">KeyValue table for headers</arg>⤶
Write a file in PHP, and invoke it from Lua. The output below is written in the file, not in the console.⤶
&lt;pre class="plain"&gt;&lt;?php⤶
$p = $_POST["p"];⤶
$a = $_POST["a"];⤶
$f = fopen("write.html", "w");⤶
fwrite($f, "This is a test. $p $a\n");⤶
http.Post("http://localhost/post.php", { p = "Gmod", a = "Test" }, function(result)⤶
if result then print("Done!") end⤶
end, function(failed)⤶
<outputfixedwidth>Fixed width</outputfixedwidth>⤶
<output>This is a test. Gmod Test</output>⤶