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<function name="SendToServer" parent="net" type="libraryfunc"> <description>Sends the current message to the server. <note>You need to declare a message name serverside using <page>util.AddNetworkString</page> before. You **cannot** send messages to non-existent network names.</note>⤶ ⤶ <warning>Each net message has a length limit of 65,533 bytes (approximately 64 KiB) and your net message will error and fail to send if it is larger than this.⤶ The message name must be pooled with <page>util.AddNetworkString</page> beforehand!</warning>⤶ </description> <realm>Client</realm> </function> <example> <description>Sends a simple "hello_world" message with the string "Hi" to the server</description> <description>Sends a simple `hello_world` message with the string `Hi` to the server</description> <code> net.Start( "hello_world" ) net.WriteString( "Hi" ) net.SendToServer() </code> <output> The netmessage "hello_world" is sent to the server. The server can handle this with <page>net.Receive</page>. Remember that any client has the potential to send any net message at any time. **Don't trust the clientside!** On your server-side <page>net.Receive</page>, make sure to verify the message sender's permissions whenever you can and prevent expensive functions from being run too often. The network message `hello_world` is sent to the server. The server can handle this with <page>net.Receive</page>. Remember that **any** client has the potential to send any net message at any time. **Don't trust the client-side!** On your server-side <page>net.Receive</page>, make sure to verify the message sender's permissions whenever you can and prevent expensive functions from being run too often. </output> ⤶ </example></example>