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<function name="WriteVector" parent="net" type="libraryfunc"> <description> Appends a vector to the current net message. Vectors sent by this function are compressed, which may result in precision loss. XYZ components greater than 16384 or less than -16384 are irrecoverably altered (most significant bits are trimmed) and precision after the decimal point is low. Vectors sent by this function are compressed, which may result in precision loss. XYZ components greater than `16384` or less than `-16384` are irrecoverably altered (most significant bits are trimmed) and precision after the decimal point is low. </description> <realm>Shared</realm> <args> <arg name="vector" type="Vector">The vector to be sent.</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>Create a serverside command to send a vector to all clients, and a function to receive the vector on the clientside. This example displays the vector compression discussed above.</description> <description>Create a server-side command to send a vector to all clients, and a function to receive the vector on the client-side. This example displays the vector compression discussed above.</description> <code> if SERVER then util.AddNetworkString("testingvecs") function testvecs_sv() net.Start("testingvecs") net.WriteVector(Vector(10000, 20000, -20000.123456789)) util.AddNetworkString( "testingvecs" ) ⤶ concommand.Add( "dovectest", function() net.Start( "testingvecs" ) net.WriteVector( Vector( 10000, 20000, -20000.123456789 ) ) net.Broadcast() end⤶ concommand.Add("dovectest", testvecs_sv)⤶ end )⤶ elseif CLIENT then function testvecs_cl(len) print("RECV: vec = " .. tostring(net.ReadVector()) .. "\n") end⤶ net.Receive("testingvecs", testvecs_cl)⤶ net.Receive( "testingvecs", function( len ) print( "RECV: vec = " .. tostring( net.ReadVector() ) .. "\n" ) end )⤶ end </code> <output>RECV: vec = 10000.000000 3616.000000 -3616.093750</output>⤶ ⤶ </example> <output>⤶ ```⤶ RECV: vec = 10000.000000 3616.000000 -3616.093750⤶ ```⤶ </output>⤶ </example>