Revision Difference
<function name="AddSurfaceData" parent="physenv" type="libraryfunc">
Adds surface properties to the game's physics environment.
Adds a [material surface property]( type to the game's physics environment.
See <page>util.GetSurfaceData</page> for the opposite function.⤶
<bug issue="2604">The game has a limit of 128 surface properties - this includes properties loaded automatically from [surfaceproperties.txt]( Due to this, there's only a small amount of open slots that can be registered with GMod's provided surfaceproperties.txt.</bug>
<arg name="properties" type="string">The properties to add. Each one should include "base" or the game will crash due to some values being missing.</arg>
<arg name="properties" type="string">The properties to add. Each one should include `"base"` or the game will crash due to some values being missing.</arg>
<description>Adds the "scout_baseball" surface property from TF2.</description>
"base" "rubber"
"bulletimpact" "Weapon_Baseball.HitWorld"
"scraperough" "Grenade.ScrapeRough"
"scrapesmooth" "Grenade.ScrapeSmooth"
"impacthard" "Weapon_Baseball.HitWorld"
"impactsoft" "Weapon_Baseball.HitWorld"
"rolling" "Grenade.Roll"