Revision Difference
<function name="Add" parent="properties" type="libraryfunc">⤶
<description>Add properties to the properties module</description>⤶
<arg name="name" type="string">A unique name used to identify the property</arg>⤶
<arg name="propertyData" type="table">A table that defines the property. Uses the <page>PropertyAdd</page>.</arg>⤶
<description>Defines a property that can be used to ignite entities (from Sandbox)</description>⤶
properties.Add( "ignite", {⤶
MenuLabel = "#ignite", -- Name to display on the context menu⤶
Order = 999, -- The order to display this property relative to other properties⤶
MenuIcon = "icon16/fire.png", -- The icon to display next to the property⤶
Filter = function( self, ent, ply ) -- A function that determines whether an entity is valid for this property⤶
if ( !IsValid( ent ) ) then return false end⤶
if ( ent:IsPlayer() ) then return false end⤶
if ( !CanEntityBeSetOnFire( ent ) ) then return false end⤶
if ( !gamemode.Call( "CanProperty", ply, "ignite", ent ) ) then return false end⤶
return !ent:IsOnFire() ⤶
Action = function( self, ent ) -- The action to perform upon using the property ( Clientside )⤶
net.WriteEntity( ent )⤶
Receive = function( self, length, player ) -- The action to perform upon using the property ( Serverside )⤶
local ent = net.ReadEntity()⤶
if ( !self:Filter( ent, player ) ) then return end⤶
ent:Ignite( 360 )⤶
end ⤶
} )⤶