Revision Difference
<function name="Capture" parent="render" type="libraryfunc">
Captures a part of the current render target and returns the data as a binary string in the given format.
Since the pixel buffer clears itself every frame, this will return a black screen outside of render hooks. To capture the user's final view, use <page>GM:PostRender</page>. This will not capture the Steam overlay or third-party injections (such as the Discord overlay, Overwolf, and advanced cheats) on the user's screen.
<bug issue="2571">In PNG mode, this function can produce unexpected result where foreground is rendered as transparent.
This is caused by <page>render.SetWriteDepthToDestAlpha</page> set to `true` when doing most of render operations, including rendering in `_rt_fullframefb`. If you want to capture render target's content as PNG image only for output quality, set <page>Structures/RenderCaptureData</page>'s `alpha` to `false` when capturing render targets with <page>render.SetWriteDepthToDestAlpha</page> set to `true`.</bug>
<warning>This function will return nil if escape menu is open</warning>⤶
<arg name="captureData" type="table">Parameters of the capture. See <page>Structures/RenderCaptureData</page>.</arg>
<ret name="" type="string">binaryData</ret>
<description>How you could use this to save a picture of your screen.</description>
local ScreenshotRequested = false
function RequestAScreenshot()
ScreenshotRequested = true
-- For the sake of this example, we use a console command to request a screenshot
concommand.Add( "make_screenshot", RequestAScreenshot )
hook.Add( "PostRender", "example_screenshot", function()
if ( !ScreenshotRequested ) then return end
ScreenshotRequested = false
local data = render.Capture( {
format = "png",
x = 0,
y = 0,
w = ScrW(),
h = ScrH(),
alpha = false -- only needed for the png format to prevent the depth buffer leaking in, see BUG
} )
file.Write( "image.png", data )
end )
<output>You should now have `image.png` in your `garrysmod/data` folder, containing a screenshot.</output>