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<function name="SetStencilFailOperation" parent="render" type="libraryfunc"> <description> Sets the <page text="Stencil Operation">Enums/STENCILOPERATION</page> that will be performed on the Stencil Buffer values of pixels affected by draw operations if the <page text="Compare Function">render.SetStencilCompareFunction</page> did **not** <page text="Pass">render.SetStencilPassOperation</page> the pixel. For more detailed information on the Stencil system, including usage examples, see the <page text="Stencils Render Reference">render_stencils</page> page </description> <realm>Client and Menu</realm> <args> <arg name="failOperation" type="Enums/STENCILOPERATION">⤶ <arg name="failOperation" type="number{STENCILOPERATION}">⤶ The Stencil Operation to be performed if the Compare Function does not Pass a pixel. </arg> </args> </function> <image src="b2b4c/8dc4ea6db700938.png" size="76553" name="FailOperationFlowChart.png" />