Revision Difference
<function name="SetWriteDepthToDestAlpha" parent="render" type="libraryfunc">
<arg name="enable" type="boolean"></arg>
<description>Draws a "masked" texture.</description>⤶
-- Give the RT a size⤶
local TEX_SIZE = 512⤶
-- Create the RT⤶
local tex = GetRenderTargetEx( "ExampleMaskRT", TEX_SIZE, TEX_SIZE, RT_SIZE_OFFSCREEN,⤶
-- Create a translucent render-able material for our render target⤶
local myMat = CreateMaterial( "ExampleMaskRTMat", "UnlitGeneric", {⤶
["$basetexture"] = tex:GetName(), -- Make the material use our render target texture⤶
["$translucent"] = "1" -- make the drawn material transparent⤶
} )⤶
local txBackground = Material( "models/weapons/v_toolgun/screen_bg" )⤶
local mask = Material( "gui/gradient_down" )⤶
A few words on the mask image. When creating a custom mask image, it must have an alpha channel which dictates⤶
what pixels to draw and which not to. The visual color should be all white for this example to work.⤶
Having lets say a red color mask would tint the final image red.⤶
function RenderMaskedRT()⤶
-- Draw the "background" image⤶
surface.SetDrawColor( color_white )⤶
surface.SetMaterial( txBackground )⤶
surface.DrawTexturedRect( 0, 0, TEX_SIZE, TEX_SIZE )⤶
-- Animate the background for fun⤶
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( TEX_SIZE / 2, TEX_SIZE / 2, TEX_SIZE, TEX_SIZE, CurTime() * 20 )⤶
-- Draw the actual mask⤶
render.SetWriteDepthToDestAlpha( false )⤶
render.OverrideBlend( true, BLEND_SRC_COLOR, BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, 3 )⤶
surface.SetMaterial( mask )⤶
surface.DrawTexturedRect( 0, 0, TEX_SIZE, TEX_SIZE )⤶
render.OverrideBlend( false )⤶
render.SetWriteDepthToDestAlpha( true )⤶
-- Draw it on screen⤶
hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "DrawExampleMaskMat", function()⤶
-- Render animated stuff to the render target⤶
render.PushRenderTarget( tex )⤶
render.Clear( 0, 0, 0, 0 )⤶
-- This is just for debugging, to see what it looks like without the mask⤶
-- RenderMaskedRT()⤶
-- Actually draw the Render Target to see the final result.⤶
surface.SetDrawColor( color_white )⤶
surface.SetMaterial( myMat )⤶
surface.DrawTexturedRect( 520, 0, TEX_SIZE, TEX_SIZE )⤶
end )⤶
<upload src="70c/8d7ba1c1119faa7.png" size="226575" name="image.png" />⤶