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<function name="AddPropCategory" parent="spawnmenu" type="libraryfunc"> <description> Used to add addon spawnlists to the spawnmenu tree. This function should be called within <page>SANDBOX:PopulatePropMenu</page>. Addon spawnlists will not save to disk if edited. <warning>You should never try to modify player customized spawnlists!</warning> </description> <realm>Client</realm> <args> <arg name="classname" type="string">A unique classname of the list.</arg> <arg name="name" type="string">The name of the category displayed to the player, e.g. `Comic Props`.</arg> <arg name="contents" type="table">A table of entries for the spawn menu. It must be numerically indexed.&#xA;&#xA;Each member of the table is a sub-table containing a type member, and other members depending on the type.&#xA;&#xA;* &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; type - &quot;header&quot; - a simple header for organization&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; text - The text that the header will display&#xA;&#xA;* &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; type - &quot;model&quot; - spawns a model where the player is looking&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; model - The path to the model file&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;number&lt;/page&gt; skin - The skin for the model to use (optional)&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; body - The bodygroups for the model (optional)&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;number&lt;/page&gt; wide - The width of the spawnicon (optional)&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;number&lt;/page&gt; tall - The height of the spawnicon (optional)&#xA;&#xA;* &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; type - &quot;entity&quot; - spawns an entity where the player is looking (appears in the Entities tab by default)&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; spawnname - The filename of the entity, for example &quot;sent_ball&quot;&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; nicename - The name of the entity to display&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; material - The icon to display, this should be set to &quot;entities/&amp;amp;lt;sent_name&amp;amp;gt;.png&quot;&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;boolean&lt;/page&gt; admin - Whether the entity is only spawnable by admins (optional)&#xA;&#xA;* &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; type - &quot;vehicle&quot; - spawns a vehicle where the player is looking (appears in the Vehicles tab by default)&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; spawnname - The filename of the vehicle&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; nicename - The name of the vehicle to display&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; material - The icon to display&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;boolean&lt;/page&gt; admin - Whether the vehicle is only spawnable by admins (optional)&#xA;&#xA;* &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; type - &quot;npc&quot; - spawns an NPC where the player is looking (appears in the NPCs tab by default)&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; spawnname - The spawn name of the NPC&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; nicename - The name to display&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; material - The icon to display&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;table&lt;/page&gt; weapon - A table of potential weapons (each a string) to give to the NPC. When spawned, one of these will be chosen randomly each time.&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;boolean&lt;/page&gt; admin - Whether the NPC is only spawnable by admins (optional)&#xA;&#xA;* &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; type - &quot;weapon&quot; - When clicked, gives the player a weapon; when middle-clicked, spawns a weapon where the player is looking (appears in the Weapons tab by default)&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; spawnname - The spawn name of the weapon&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; nicename - The name to display&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;string&lt;/page&gt; material - The icon to display&#xA;* * &lt;page&gt;boolean&lt;/page&gt; admin - Whether the weapon is only spawnable by admins (optional)</arg> <arg name="icon" type="string">The icon to use in the tree.</arg> <arg name="id" type="number" default="1000">The unique ID number for the spawnlist category. Used to make sub categories. See &quot;parentID&quot; parameter below. If not set, it will be automatically set to ever increasing number, starting with 1000.</arg> <arg name="parentID" type="number" default="0">The unique ID of the parent category. This will make the created category a subcategory of category with given unique ID. `0` makes this a base category (such as `Builder`).</arg> <arg name="needsApp" type="string" default="">The needed game for this prop category, if one is needed. If the specified game is not mounted, the category isn&#x27;t shown. This uses the shortcut name, e.g. `cstrike`, and not the Steam AppID.</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>Create a spawn menu with two icons for each type</description> <code> hook.Add("PopulatePropMenu", "Add Two Of Each", function() local contents = {} -- Props table.insert( contents, { type = "header", text = "Props" } ) table.insert( contents, { type = "model", model = "models/props_c17/oildrum001.mdl" } ) table.insert( contents, { type = "model", model = "models/props_wasteland/cargo_container01.mdl", skin = 1, wide = 128, tall = 64 } ) -- Entities table.insert( contents, { type = "header", text = "Entities" } ) table.insert( contents, { type = "entity", spawnname = "sent_ball", nicename = "Bouncy Ball", material = "entities/sent_ball.png" } ) table.insert( contents, { type = "entity", spawnname = "combine_mine", nicename = "Hopper Mine", material = "entities/combine_mine.png" } ) -- Vehicles table.insert( contents, { type = "header", text = "Vehicles" } ) table.insert( contents, { type = "vehicle", spawnname = "Airboat", nicename = "Half-Life 2 Airboat", material = "entities/Airboat.png" } ) table.insert( contents, { type = "vehicle", spawnname = "Chair_Office2", nicename = "Executive's Chair", material = "entities/Chair_Office2.png" } ) -- NPCs table.insert( contents, { type = "header", text = "NPCs" } ) table.insert( contents, { type = "npc", spawnname = "npc_citizen", nicename = "A random citizen", material = "entities/npc_citizen.png", weapon = { "weapon_smg1", "weapon_crowbar" } } ) table.insert( contents, { type = "npc", spawnname = "npc_headcrab", nicename = "Headhumper", material = "entities/npc_headcrab.png" } ) -- Weapons table.insert( contents, { type = "header", text = "Weapons" } ) table.insert( contents, { type = "weapon", spawnname = "weapon_crowbar", nicename = "Crowbar", material = "entities/weapon_crowbar.png", } ) table.insert( contents, { type = "weapon", spawnname = "weapon_smg1", nicename = "SMG", material = "entities/weapon_smg1.png", } ) spawnmenu.AddPropCategory( "TwoOfEach", "Two of each type", contents, "icon16/box.png" ) end ) </code> <output></output>⤶ <output><image src="AddPropCategory_Two_of_each.jpeg"/></output>⤶ </example>