Revision Difference
<function name="Publish" parent="steamworks" type="libraryfunc">
Publishes dupes, saves or demos to workshop.
<arg name="tags" type="table">The workshop tags to apply</arg>
<arg name="filename" type="string">Path to the file to upload</arg>
<arg name="image" type="string">Path to the image to use as icon</arg>
<arg name="name" type="string">Name of the Workshop submission</arg>
<arg name="desc" type="string">Description of the Workshop submission</arg>
<arg name="callback" type="function">Callback for when the publishing process finishes. Has 2 args:⤶
* <page>number</page> fileID - If success, file id of the published item.⤶
* <page>string</page> error - On failure, the error message.</arg>
<arg name="callback" type="function">Callback for when the publishing process finishes.⤶
<arg type="number" name="fileID">If success, file id of the published item.</arg>
<arg type="string" name="error">On failure, the error message.</arg>⤶
<arg name="fileid" type="number" default="nil">If set, the file ID to update</arg>
<arg name="changelist" type="string" default="None given.">List of changes when updating an item.</arg>