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<function name="len" parent="string" type="libraryfunc"> <description>Counts the number of characters in the string (length). This is equivalent to using the length operator (#).</description> <realm>Shared and Menu</realm> <args> <arg name="str" type="string">The string to find the length of.</arg> </args> <rets> <ret name="" type="number">Length of the string</ret> </rets> </function> <example> <description>Demonstrates the use of this function.</description> <code> print( string.len( "hi" ) ) print( string.len( "drakehawke" ) ) print( string.len( "" ) ) print( string.len( "test" ) == #"test" ) </code> <output> 2⤶ <br/>⤶ ⤶ 2⤶ 10 0 true </output> </example>