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<type name="string" category="libraryfunc" is="library"> <summary>The string *type* is a sequence of characters. The string *library* is a standard Lua library which provides functions for the manipulation of strings.[[1]]( In Garry's Mod there are several extra useful functions and features added to this library.<br/> Most notably all strings will access this library through the string metatable index function.[[2]]( Most notably all strings will access this library through the string metatable index function.[[2]]( This means all strings are treated like table objects and the string library as its <page text="Meta Table">Meta_Tables</page> ```lua local x = "Kittens" function string.Foobar(self) return self:Right(4) end string.Right(x,4) == x:Right(4) == x:Foobar() == ("Kittens"):Right(4) == x[-4]..x[-3]..x[-2]..x[-1] ``` The string *metatable* however is something else, and to access that you must use `getmetatable("")`. The difference here is related to <page>Metamethods</page>, such as using (+) instead of (..) to concatenate strings. <warning>Using `+` operator for concatenation breaks lua metamethod to sum string as numbers (Example: `"10" + "1"` return `11` (number)) and this is 400 times SLOWER!</warning> ```lua local stringmeta = getmetatable("") function stringmeta.__add(str,x) return str..x end -- This will work function string.__add(str,x) return str..x end -- But this will not. print("Kittens" + " And " + "Puppies") ``` See <page>Meta Tables</page> and <page>Metamethods</page> for more information. <warning>Making changes to the string *metatable* is not a good idea unless you know what you are doing. Use the string *library* instead.</warning> This category lists functions available in the string *library*.</summary> </type>