Revision Difference
<function name="DrawTexturedRectRotated" parent="surface" type="libraryfunc">
Draw a textured rotated rectangle with the given position and dimensions and angle on the screen, using the current active texture.
<rendercontext hook="false" type="2D"/>⤶
<rendercontext hook="false" type="2D"></rendercontext>⤶
<realm>Client and Menu</realm>
<arg name="x" type="number">The X integer co-ordinate, representing the center of the rectangle.</arg>
<arg name="y" type="number">The Y integer co-ordinate, representing the center of the rectangle.</arg>
<arg name="width" type="number">The integer width of the rectangle.</arg>
<arg name="height" type="number">The integer height of the rectangle.</arg>
<arg name="rotation" type="number">The rotation of the rectangle, in degrees.</arg>
A function that allows you to override the origin of rotation.
x0 and y0 are relative to the center of the rectangle.
function surface.DrawTexturedRectRotatedPoint( x, y, w, h, rot, x0, y0 )
local c = math.cos( math.rad( rot ) )
local s = math.sin( math.rad( rot ) )
local newx = y0 * s - x0 * c
local newy = y0 * c + x0 * s
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( x + newx, y + newy, w, h, rot )
<description>Draws a simple red forever rotating box.</description>
function draw.RotatedBox( x, y, w, h, ang, color )
surface.SetDrawColor( color or color_white )
surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( x, y, w, h, ang )
hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "my_rotated_box", function()
draw.RotatedBox( 100, 100, 100, 100, CurTime() % 360, Color( 255, 0, 0) )
end )