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<function name="FindNext" parent="table" type="libraryfunc"> <description> <deprecated>Instead, iterate the table using ipairs or increment from the previous index using <page></page>. Non-numerically indexed tables are not ordered.</deprecated> Returns the value positioned after the supplied value in a table. If it isn't found then the first element in the table is returned </description> <realm>Shared and Menu</realm> <file line="656-L664">lua/includes/extensions/table.lua</file> <file line="658-L666">lua/includes/extensions/table.lua</file> <args> <arg name="tbl" type="table">Table to search</arg> <arg name="value" type="any">Value to return element after</arg> </args> <rets> <ret name="" type="any">Found element</ret> </rets> </function> <example> <description>Print the next element after the "b" value of the table</description> <code> local tbl = {"a", "b", "c"} print(table.FindNext(tbl, "b")) </code> <output>c in console</output> </example>