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<function name="Create" parent="undo" type="libraryfunc"> <description>Begins a new undo entry</description> <realm>Server</realm> <file line="213-L221">lua/includes/modules/undo.lua</file>⤶ <args> <arg name="name" type="string">Name of the undo message to show to players</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>This example creates a prop_physics, and adds it to Player's undo list.</description> <code> prop = ents.Create("prop_physics") prop:SetModel("models/props_junk/wood_crate001a.mdl") prop:Spawn() undo.Create("prop") undo.AddEntity(prop) undo.SetPlayer(Player) undo.Finish() </code> </example> <example> <description>When you need to override the undo messages for a spawnable entity inside [`ENT:SpawnFunction(user, trace)`]( and apply a custom text, calling `undo.Create()` will not work and will in fact double the undo entries in the list pointing to the same entity created. Otherwise you will see `Scripted Entity (entity_class)` when you create it. This is defined in [commands.lua]( and you must return `nil`, then add the remaining hooks and function calls to account for the missing stuff: </description> <code> local prop = ents.Create("prop_physics") if ( prop:IsValid() ) then -- This will update your custom undo message by returning `nil` -- Otherwise the undo message will be `Scripted Entity (prop_physics)` undo.Create("Test ["..prop:EntIndex().."]") undo.AddEntity(prop) -- Add out custom prop undo.SetPlayer(user) -- Apply undo for the player undo.Finish() -- Make your custom undo gamemode.Call("PlayerSpawnedSENT", user, prop) -- Account for missing hook user:AddCount("sents", prop) -- Add to the SENTs count ( ownership ) user:AddCount("my_props", prop) -- Add count to our personal count user:AddCleanup("sents", prop) -- Add item to the sents cleanup user:AddCleanup("my_props", prop) -- Add item to the cleanup end return nil -- Return nil, so the game will not create undo entry </code> </example>