Revision Difference
<function name="Do_Undo" parent="undo" type="libraryfunc">
<description>Processes an undo block (in table form). This is used internally by the undo manager when a player presses Z.
You should use `gm_undo` or `gm_undonum *num*` console commands instead of calling this function directly.
<file line="368-L414">lua/includes/modules/undo.lua</file>
<arg name="tab" type="table">The undo block to process as an <page>Structures/Undo</page></arg>
<arg name="tab" type="table{Undo}">The undo block to process as an <page>Structures/Undo</page></arg>
<ret name="" type="number">Number of removed entities</ret>
<description>This example removes two entities, and informs player 1 that they just "Undone Prop!"</description>
local tab = {}
tab.Owner = Entity(1)
tab.Name = "prop"
tab.Entities = {Entity(56),Entity(57)}