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<function name="Decompress" parent="util" type="libraryfunc"> <description>Decompresses the given string using [LZMA]( algorithm. Used to decompress strings previously compressed with <page>util.Compress</page>. <note>This function expects the compressed input data to have the uncompressed size of the data prepended to it as an 8-byte little-endian integer. [Source]( If your compressed input data was compressed by <page>util.Compress</page>, you don't need to worry about this - the uncompressed size of the data is already prepended to its output. However, if your compressed data was produced using standard tools **_outside of Garry's Mod_**, you will need to manually prepend the length of the uncompressed data to its compressed form as an 8-byte little endian integer, or use third-party tools such as [gmod-lzma]( to compress your data instead.</note> </description> <realm>Shared and Menu</realm> <args> <arg name="compressedString" type="string">The compressed string to decompress.</arg> <arg name="maxSize" type="number" default="nil">The maximum size of uncompressed data in bytes, if greater it fails.</arg> </args> <rets> <ret name="" type="string">The original, decompressed string or `nil` on failure or invalid input. Also returns empty string if the input string was zero length ("").</ret> <ret name="" type="string|nil">The original, decompressed string or `nil` on failure or invalid input. Also returns empty string if the input string was zero length ("").</ret> </rets> </function>