Revision Difference
<function name="Effect" parent="util" type="libraryfunc">
Creates an effect with the specified data.
For Orange Box `.pcf` particles, see <page>Global.ParticleEffect</page>, <page>Global.ParticleEffectAttach</page> and <page>Global.CreateParticleSystem</page>.
When dispatching an effect from the server, some values may be clamped for networking optimizations. Visit the Set accessors on <page>CEffectData</page> to see which ones are affected.
You will need to couple this function with <page>Global.IsFirstTimePredicted</page> if you want to use it in <page text="predicted hook">Prediction</page>.
You will need to couple this function with <page>Global.IsFirstTimePredicted</page> if you want to use it in a <page text="predicted hook">Prediction</page>.
<arg name="effectName" type="string">The name of the effect to create.
You can find a list of <page text="built-in engine effects here">Effects</page>. You can create your own, [example effects can be found here]( and [here](
<arg name="effectData" type="CEffectData">The effect data describing the effect.</arg>
<arg name="allowOverride" type="boolean" default="true">Whether Lua-defined effects should override engine-defined effects with the same name for this/single function call.</arg>
<arg name="ignorePredictionOrRecipientFilter" type="any" default="nil">Can either be a boolean to ignore the prediction filter or a <page>CRecipientFilter</page>.
Set this to true if you wish to call this function in multiplayer from server.</arg>
<description>Creates a HelicopterMegaBomb effect at the origin of the map. ( 0, 0, 0 )</description>
local vPoint = Vector( 0, 0, 0 )
local effectdata = EffectData()
effectdata:SetOrigin( vPoint )
util.Effect( "HelicopterMegaBomb", effectdata )