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<function name="GetUserGroups" parent="util" type="libraryfunc"> <description> Returns a table of all SteamIDs that have a usergroup. <note>This returns the original usergroups table, changes done to this table are not retroactive and will only affect newly connected users</note> <note>This returns only groups that are registered in the **settings/users.txt** file of your server. In order to get the usergroup of a connected player, please use <page>Player:GetUserGroup</page> instead.</note> </description> <realm>Server</realm> <file line="99-L103">lua/includes/extensions/player_auth.lua</file> <rets> <ret name="" type="table">A table of users where the key is the SteamID of the user and the value is a table with 2 fields: > <page>string</page> name - Player Steam name > <page>string</page> group - Player usergroup name * <page>string</page> name - Player Steam name * <page>string</page> group - Player usergroup name </ret> </rets> </function> <example> <description>Retrieve the names of every superadmin registered</description> <code> local supadminsList = {} for steamid, infos in pairs(util.GetUserGroups()) do if == "superadmin" then supadminsList[#supadminsList + 1] = end end PrintTable(supadminsList) </code> <output> ``` 1 = rubat 2 = garry ``` </output> </example>