Revision Difference
<function name="TraceEntity" parent="util" type="libraryfunc">
Runs a trace using the entity's collisionmodel between two points. This does not take the entity's angles into account and will trace its unrotated collisionmodel.
<arg name="tracedata" type="table">Trace data. See <page>Structures/Trace</page></arg>
<arg name="tracedata" type="table{Trace}">Trace data. See <page>Structures/Trace</page></arg>
<arg name="ent" type="Entity">The entity to use</arg>
<ret name="" type="table">Trace result. See <page>Structures/TraceResult</page></ret>
<ret name="" type="table{TraceResult}">Trace result. See <page>Structures/TraceResult</page></ret>
<description>From sandbox/gamemode/prop_tools.lua, this checks if there are any entities inside our entity</description>
local trace = { start = ent:GetPos(), endpos = ent:GetPos(), filter = ent }
local tr = util.TraceEntity( trace, ent )
if ( tr.Hit ) then
-- Do stuff