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<function name="Create" parent="vgui" type="libraryfunc"> <description>Creates a panel by the specified classname.</description> <realm>Client and Menu</realm> <args> <arg name="classname" type="string">Classname of the panel to create. Valid classnames are listed at: &lt;page&gt;VGUI Element List&lt;/page&gt;.</arg> <arg name="classname" type="string">Classname of the panel to create. Valid classnames are listed at: <page>VGUI Element List</page>.</arg> <arg name="parent" type="Panel" default="nil">Parent of the created panel.</arg> <arg name="name" type="string" default="nil">Name of the created panel.</arg> </args> <rets> <ret name="" type="Panel">panel</ret> </rets> </function>