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<function name="OnChange" parent="DCheckBox" type="panelhook"> <description>Called when the "checked" state is changed. This is for Overriding</description> <realm>Client and Menu</realm> <file line="51-L55">lua/vgui/dcheckbox.lua</file> <args> <arg name="bVal" type="boolean">Whether the CheckBox is checked or not.</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>Creates a metamethod on the DCheckBox class to print any changes to the console.</description> <code> function DCheckBox:OnChange(bVal) if (bVal) then print("Checked!") else print("Unchecked!") end end </code> <output>All new checkboxes created will print `Checked!` or `Unchecked!` when their checked state is changed.</output> </example>